I would like your help...

Rosa Negra Imortal

love never dies
Jun 13, 2002
Jardim da Saudade
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I really don't know who is Dan Swanö...The only thing I know is that he and Opeth are close friends.
I like Karaboudjan, maybe is one of his projects...it's original.
Can you list his other projects, bands...? They're worth?
If you could, tell me the name of the good songs.

Edge of Sanity - Crimson (40 min song)

If you like his clean vox, check out Unicorn, and Nightingale..

Unicorn - The Sorrow Song
Nightingale - Alonely

those are 3 songs that should get you relatively familiar with Dan, feel free to check out his solo stuff, you really can't go wrong :)
Rosa, if you like Karaboudjan, you absolutely have to find some Pan-Thy-Monium. Dan says Karaboudjan is kind of his way of showing the other Pan-Thy members what he thinks Pan-Thy should have progressed to. Similar in many ways, but I do think Pan-Thy-Monium is better than Karaboudjan.