Tumnbath - Like Swanö

I am still stunned by the sheer quality of the sound, the growls and the unique yet the sound inspired by the swanö universe

give us more !

maybe we could get you on one of the next swano-releases (Steel EP anyone ?!)

u rokk !
Dan e-mailed me and thinks it's amazing, and expressed much gratitude.

Thank you Dan :)

Hopefully he will say something here when he gets the chance since he's so busy, new Nightingale tracks and all!
Swano should mix it for free. :p

What's one little Swano-worship song for a few minutes out of his day? :D
I tried it but couldn't get past 1 minute of it. No offense, but I assume this was meant tongue in cheek, to a certain extent ?

Tumn's man-love for Dan has always creeped me out, so I'm sure that has affected my ability to listen objectively.
