i need some washing advise


Pick me Pick me!!!!
Jan 1, 2003
south of Holland
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Ok, who can help me please on this one:
When I wash wool (sweaters and that) can i put em in the dryer?????':erk:

Please help me out, this is an important matter,
I called my mum, and my bfs mum, but they aren't home.....
Whatever you do ,DO NOT PUT WOOL IN THE DRYER :hotjump: It will turn into a barbie jumper ,ok there is that good advise from the mature one :cool:
Yeah, you can even put the bathroom on fire BUT avoid putting your woolstuff in the drier, or only the dog can wear it afterwards.


Or put the dog in the drier.

I've heard though that knit sweaters aren't supposed to be spinned either, cause they'll resize themselves, but if you don't spin them they'll never dry ("dry it laid", up me ass, it'll get stinky if it doesn't get dry properly).
hey there are these new kind of parties with sex toys ;) only for women cause men dont behave serious on these gatherings (putting a dildo in the ear and stuff :D )