I need the Biomechanical album... help?

Buzz Fledderjon

Jan 16, 2003
Does anyone know where I can get Biomechanical stateside?
If not, I'll order from overseas.

And for anyone interested, they've got a show coming up in Feb.
Here's the flyer...

The only place I've seen the CD for sale is the link they have from their website.

I would also be interested in getting it though, since the song and samples they have on their website are pretty damn sweet.

www.biomechanical.co.uk for anyone who is interested.
Well, as it turns out, as soon as I posted this new thread, my buddy e-mailed me and 'informed' me that they hadn't even signed or made a real cd yet. The only one you CAN order is on the website, and it's a CDR the band made themselves. But I agree with you, I gotta have it cuz from what I've heard, they are AWESOME!!!