I need to replace my Audio Interface


Nov 26, 2009
Hi All!!!

I was wondering if guys can help me out a bit. My Presonus 2626 has had issues recently with noisy noise. Basically if you turn up the gain on the pres to record an sm57 for example it has a lot of digital style chattering. My only solution to fix this was to remove the case which acts like a heatsink to a power transistor. - not a good solution really. So basically its fucked as far as I can tell. Presonus suggested it can cost £400 to fix HAHA same as a new one.

I am a bit tight for cash and could do with just getting a good clean 2 input interface. One thing I am annoyed with is I have the Presonus MSR which I loved for the control of speakers. I don't want to spend much as I find other than RME I have not had much luck with other slightly higher mid priced units, so as long as it sounds reasonable I dont care, I want is cheap but usable. Something I can use and when it dies or the company decides it no longer wants to support it I dont cry.

I must have at least separate Phones and Monitor pots. I use a box for flicking between my speakers so thats not an issue. It needs to be able to do instrument in, I do use DIs sometimes but I am happy with just a Hi-Z input that works well for Actives. Something that doesnt fly of the desk by being too light (ie Apogee duet) would be good.
Anyway I have seen the following. I will add what I have understood so far, maybe you can help. By the way I use a Mac OSX 10.8 so no windows worry's for me. USB/Firewire - do I care?

Focusrite Scarlett : -Never liked the Platinum stuff, and I hear the 2i2 cannot handle Guitar DIs very well, but I hear good things about the 2i4 and up.

Mackie Blackbird Onyx 2x2 : This one peaked my interest a lot, but its got conflicting information about the convertors. However I love the idea of a solid little box. But are Mackie up themselves these days or are they still a good company?

Presonus Audiobox range : I am a little upset by my presonus experience but I dont hold it against them yet (my presonus was second hand after all). The little box looks good though.

Behringer UCA204 - or the new firewire stuff: These look interesting - I know Behringer has a bad rep but they are changing things around a lot - if anyone has one own up and tell me your experience.

A few others I saw are the :

Native Instruments Konnect 6 - looks promising is it worth the extra dosh?

Steinberg stuff ??

Tascam - Cheap but any good?

Any others ive missed?

Im not interested in these but just to add why for others who might be interested - these are just my views dont "slate" me, others may have had more luck with them but I wont touch again.

Mbox 3 : Just to add these are crap I had 2 and both developed the same faults after 6-8 months with the Volume pot dying- I have read all over that they are not well made. Great stuff inside but bad build quality - a real shame as I loved the idea of them and they sound good too.

Apogee Duet: I had no joy with these 2 died on me (Apogee confirmed with me the first line had an intolerance with the mic pres and they could fail but the new ones were to resolve that) - they are bit too pricey for me at the moment. I loved the idea again, but the breakout cable to be honest was annoying.

Any help would be appreciated in deciding, let me know you experience. My budget is about £100-200 (About $250)
Come on.... even just tell me what you are using.

The Behringer 204 is appealing.... its got pre amps with Pad bypassable pres for line inputs even inserts!!!
Been using a Scarlett 2i4 for over a year as my mobile interface and it's been rock-solid at 2 ms latency in Reaper on Windows, highly recommended (and I use the Inst inputs with active and passive pickups all the time, you have to engage the Pad but then the levels are fine)

And Mackie sucks with drivers
Love my Focusrite Saffire Pro 40, and if you wanna save some $$$ the Pro 24 and Pro 24 DSP have most of the same features with fewer inputs. I got my Pro 40 for under $400 new, and the other models generally go for less than that.
Ok thanks so positive reviews for Focusrite. Macke drivers not an issie as i use a mac - from what i understand.
Just want to ask about the Pro24 devices (and similar 8i6 etc) they have no PAD switch, now I know you can use a DI, but for those quick moments I like to just plug in and use HI z but if they have no pad they will usually clip.

The Saffire pro 40 has a pad switch. GRRR its so annoying that they didnt bother putting it on the Firewire interfaces.. what idiots... even the Mbox 3 had PADs on the pots.
2ms total latency (including AD/DA) is not possible, only converters usually give 1-1.5 ms (depending on manufacturer, Cirrus Logic faster, AKM on slower side because of longer filters).
I had the 2i4, it wasn't handling DIs well at all... The Onyx was an overall awesome interface, built like a tank, but it was constantly emitting an annoying high beeping noise :/
I'm using a Line 6 UX2 now, where the right output is louder as the left. The latency is rad though...

To me it seems like most interfaces in that price range have some sucky characteristics to them...
2ms total latency (including AD/DA) is not possible, only converters usually give 1-1.5 ms (depending on manufacturer, Cirrus Logic faster, AKM on slower side because of longer filters).

I agree, that's why I asked. My Saffire Pro 24 DSP, which is a FW device, gives me the true roundtrip latency of 3,02 ms on 32 samples at 44,1 kHz & 2,70 ms on 64 samples at 96 kHz (measured by Centrance LTU - https://centrance.com/downloads/ltu/). On the same setting Reaper reads 1,1/1,7 ms & 1,0/1,6 ms (as seen at the top right corner in Reaper), which would mean it's 2,8 ms & 2,6 ms in total. Only goes to show that Reaper's measurement is not totally accurate.
2ms in total?
Well, I don't think it's possible with that interface, but I could be wrong.

Could you post a screenshot in Reaper? ;)

Sorry, I should be more specific - 2 ms is the setting in the Focusrite driver utility, but of course it's not actually that in practice; I would say it feels like 128 samples, which is fast enough for real-time amp sim monitoring IMO, and dropping it to "1 ms" causes the occasional glitch
I had the 2i4, it wasn't handling DIs well at all... The Onyx was an overall awesome interface, built like a tank, but it was constantly emitting an annoying high beeping noise :/
I'm using a Line 6 UX2 now, where the right output is louder as the left. The latency is rad though...

To me it seems like most interfaces in that price range have some sucky characteristics to them...

Use asio all driver with toneport and you can push it to 2.5ms.
I'm getting stable 32samples in logic pro x, whatever that means.. I don't quite get the relationship between samples and ms
It depends on the sample rate.

By dividing the buffer size and the sample rate you will get what the input latency to your DAW is in ms. For ex. if you're recording at 44.1 kHz, and you set the buffer size at 32 samples, then following what I just said you get - 32/44.1=0,72 ms. In theory that would also be the output latency from the DAW, so 0,72*2=1,44 ms in total for input and output buffer stages. I say in theory, 'cause in practice it's not the same; for ex. on my interface, the output buffer adds roughly 0,6 ms more when set at 32 samples, while the I/O buffer difference is even bigger at higher buffer sizes.

Add to that the latency caused by A/D and D/A conversion, which is typically 1-2 ms in total and the latency imparted by your driver (this depends on how well the driver is optimized, better ones impart lower latency) and you will be in the ballpark.

But again, this is just in theory. In practice, if you really want to know the total roundtrip latency you have to measure it by doing a loopback test. I find Centrance's tool really handy for that.
32 sample buffer is worthless if you are using convolution plugins with fast convolution algorithm (via FFT), because efficient buffer size for fast convolution starts from 64 samples. Some IR loaders can not work properly with buffer sizes less than 64 samples.