I Need Your Help... Badly!!!

The first thing I thought of when I heard it is the kick is just too loud, you want your kick to be a part of the mix not take over it. So bring it down a bit.

Cut some low end from your bass so Hi pass it @ 20 hz'ish.
On Your master buss, I would suggest placing an Eq and have a hi pass at 20 hz also.

On your over head and room mics have a hi pass and set it to around 600 Hz.

Mainly your problem is in the low end of the mix. So try these out and then re-post your mix and we can continue from there ;)
Were you clipping when this was tracked? Sounds like the bass is exploding.

What kind of compression/limiting are you doing to this?
Just one quick question, What are you using for an equalizer, I just want to know so I can help you out easier. Some eq plugins have a setting called bandwidth instead of Q and other EQ plugins say Q instead of bandwidth, So knowing what your using as an EQ plugin would help me help you out, just so there's no confusions ;)

Let me know, and then we can move to your bass track and I'll tell you one way you can start processing it to make it sound good in your mix. :)