I never actually introduced myself


Schiavo Della Notte
Feb 17, 2003
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About a year of posting randomly to threads every great now and then..I never quite introduced myself. And...you probably dont care much at this point...but Im going to do it any way.

Im IceDragonX (as the name states), Im a female metaller from Florida and I really enjoy just about all kinds of music. But my first love naturally is metal. Im not as experienced or as knowledgable as some people because I got into metal later in my life, but grew to love it becuase I made a strong connection with the sound. I do however, like to know as much as I can about as many bands as I can just out of my own curiosity. Im a sucker to try anything once. (Yes...even the horrible stuff...at least once.)

I also like to create art, design webpages, play on the keyboard, write novels and poetry, chat online, listen to music....and the list goes on.

Last year was my first progpower that I have ever attended, and it was outstanding! The best experience I have had in a long time. I literally didnt want to go back home.

Most of you probably A) Have me on your block list by now (because of past disagreements) or B) Dont really care to know me that well becuase Im not a regular poster any way. But I just feel I should have done this a while ago but never got around to actually making it.

I would like to say if I have offended people in the past, I am sorry for my postings. I just really dislike it when people bash things and gain up on some one else who tends to like them. Its feels like a hive of wasps gaining up on a lamb to me. Im more of a personal beleiver in "if you like it..that's good enough for me. But give me the respect of what I like as well."

I would love to be more a part of this community...but I personally dont know where to start quite frankly. I post..but I still feel like a lurker at times.

So any way...that is me. I hope I get some type of response from any sleepy people out there in cyberspace some where. :p
I would say welcome but you have been here almost as long as I have so that doesn't seem quite right. :) You haven't offended me yet so everything is cool here. Glad you are around. I am a bit of a lurker as well. I have been to the last two Progpowers. You mentioned liking to find out about a bunch of bands and I have no shame plugging my bands. If you went last year, than you may have saw my band Prymary play the Pre-party last year. Check our website for info at http://www.prymary.com . I also opened Progpower last year playing drums for Redemption so you may have seen me there as well. Thanks for listening and keep posting.


Ah! You were one of the better bands at the pre-party! Awesome. Of course it was so loud in there.....and I was trying to talk to people at the same time!

Can you imagine being right next to each other..only an inch away...and you still cant hear each other? LOL. But ya, you guys were defintly one of the better bands of the night. Ill go check your stuff. Thanks for the address!