I present to you: iMPulses!


Alas, Tyranny
Nov 15, 2006
Athens, GA
( sorry for the cheesy name )

Here is a pack of 64 impulses for your enjoyment.

I made all the impulses with my VHT 2/90/2 power amp and Avatar cabinet with Celestion CL80s. I used a Shure SM57 and a Sennheiser e906.

Check it out :D


The 64 impulses represent 6 variables:
Microphone ( Shure SM57 and Sennheiser e906 )
Placement ( On/Off axis for SM57, Direct on cone/Offset for e906 )
Voicing Switch ( In/out, in is more aggressive )
Presence knob ( 2:30 and 4:30 )
Depth knob ( 12:00 and 3:00 )
High Power and Low Power

Each possible combination is represented here.
I just tried ´em, they sounds great! Very nice color, very "flat" (which is good, many impulses sounds very "wet" with strange roomines to my ears) - especially e906 ones. Thank you very very much!
Thanks for checking them out! :D I have always preferred the CL80 to any other speaker I have tried, to me it is simply more pleasing to the ear. I've had no luck finding them, so I thought I'd make a few for your pleasure.