I present to you, the dumbest anti gun PSA ever created.

Let's be honest here, there could be a best argument for gun control video that could make total sense to you and it wouldn't change your minds about guns. I make the same argument about politics. A politician can tell you they are take a dump straight in your mouth and offend the shit out of you, but if he's a member of the party you vote for....he's your guy.

That's what you think. If the argument made total sense to us then we would change our minds. I was against guns at some point. The more I read this debate and read real statistics and facts the more pro gun I become.

The comment section in that video posted above is an orgy of ignorance.
Just buy a shotgun man. And shoot that shit through your front door or shoot 2 blasts into the air. Joe Biden approved home defense. :kickass:

And no not one bit would it change my mind, if anything I would want to punch the stupid liberal cunt who originated the gun free zone idea.

Arguing that because someone said something stupid the idea of gun control must also be stupid is in line with the rest of the fallacies in the original video.

Although you are being figurative, the idea of using violence as means of defending or promoting ideas is exactly why weapons shouldn't be easier to get than a driving license.
Pretty sure you can get dumber than that. As for the guy issue - no, not every moron should have access to a firearm. I wouldn't trust my neighbor having one nor anyone else who didn't go through proper training and has a good reason to carry a gun around.
Arguing that because someone said something stupid the idea of gun control must also be stupid is in line with the rest of the fallacies in the original video. .

No it's stupid because those who are charging the rhetoric don't know the laws, don't know shit about guns, and make false assumptions based on the first two.

The VP has given shit advise on guns.

Bloomberg is under the impression that the AR15 can fire in full automatic or that it's easy to obtain such a firearm.

Gun control groups have no clue what an assault rifle is. To be honest I highly doubt a lot of gun owners really know what it is either (it's a legal term coined by gun control groups so it will vary state to state).

You have legislators who don't know what a the things they are trying to ban do or function. In fact they have made statement that prove what a bunch of stupid dumb fucks they are on the subject. (Diana DeGette, Bloomberg, Biden, Dianne Feinstein, Carolyn McCarthy, Kevin De Leon etc...)

Universal background checks do nothing to stop anyone from getting a gun (we have them in NY now), yet for some reason that's the answer to all of our problems.

Lets face reality. No time in history has the statement "you can't do that" stopped anyone who really wants to to that from doing it. We have prohibition, we have the drug wars, and several other examples that show it doesn't work.

So lets look at what does and has worked. People (police or armed citizens) being allowed to stop active gunmen as quickly as possible without breaking the law themselves.
Well shit, if Reagan said it... <sarcasm>
lol I posted that because you said "And no not one bit would it change my mind, if anything I would want to punch the stupid liberal cunt who originated the gun free zone idea."
Whenever I see gun debates gun nuts are always assuming that it's just liberals on the gun control side which is not true. I know people who call themselves conservatives that hate guns but because they hate liberals they support the NRA.