I realise In flames isnt liked around here but

BigJim said:
What about Whoracle?! :rock:

Weakest of the older era albums. Its not very focused and as a result appears inconsistent. Individual songs for the most part are good though.
I love metal fans. You guys just named four or five really good albums, but they have been mediocre the last couple (even though I like thier new album) you hate them. What great loyalty. :erk:
loyalty is stupid? I will respectfully disagree with you there. If you don't like their newer shit don't listen to it, but just don't dismiss the band and say they suck, thats retarded, because they don't suck.
All In Flames is amazing. My favourites are Colony and Jester Race but I still listen to the newer releases alot. People say they sold out to nu metal but guess what.. BANDS EVOLVE. I've said this in the past and I'll say it again, people need to see through stereotypes and fucking just listen to music.
there is not a hudge difference in their newest cd then their older stuff, the instrumentals in alot of the tracks sound alot like their older stuff the only major difference is his voice, witch you can understand most the time now, just because he sings a little don't make em a sellout.
son_of_northern_darkness said:
All In Flames is amazing. My favourites are Colony and Jester Race but I still listen to the newer releases alot. People say they sold out to nu metal but guess what.. BANDS EVOLVE. I've said this in the past and I'll say it again, people need to see through stereotypes and fucking just listen to music.

Mate, you fuckin' nailed it!