I realy need help!!!!cubase sx3 and onyx 1640 firewire

gabriel g.

Sep 7, 2006
So guys and girls here is my system:

AMD 64bit 939 3700+
Asrock board
160gb maxtor 8 mb cache
1024 mb ram
U-Audio studiopak
cubase sx 3 newest updates
windows xp service pak 2 home version

and an old graphic card. with 64mb ram

My big problem is noise and clipping ms of mute when I play a song.

When i mix it it becomes more and more.

When I make a mixdown I have this shit also on the wave. So what should I do???

I use the asio onyx patch from the firewire interface.

I need tipps please

thank you guys
Not an expert, but are you recording to the system's hard drive?
As I've read, some firewire chipsets aren't that reliable either, but that's only what I've read around most sites.
Good luck with it mate ;)
yes I´m recording to my hard drive. But that can´t be the problem
because the onyx are build for this setup. So I don´t understand the shit.

I downloaded the newest patches of the Uaudio
and the mackie onyx. Well let see

Have anybody experience with uaudio???
XGabrielX said:
yes I´m recording to my hard drive. But that can´t be the problem
Sorry, I explained myself badly, I meant recording to the HD that has the Os allocated into...I had that kinda problems with M-Audio and C drive.
Os?? whats that???

I only have one hard drive in my pc. With to partitions.

But this cracking clipping noising sounds like overload....

I will use the patches and then I send a reply

but more tipps please

any body experience with asio onyx
XGabrielX said:
Os?? whats that???

I only have one hard drive in my pc. With to partitions.

But this cracking clipping noising sounds like overload....

I will use the patches and then I send a reply

but more tipps please

any body experience with asio onyx

OS = operating system :)
Yeah, notice how that chav just jumps in when it's something easy like the meaning of OS?

Ok Gabe, what he means is since you only have one hard drive, you must be recording to it, correct? Since you only have one drive, you will be running your computer from that drive, as well as writing the audio tracks to it while you record. Right? This causes problems. Because not only does that hard drive have to spin at a billion miles per hour (actually 7200rpm..at least i hope it's that fast) to record those audio tracks, it also has to run Windows and Cubase all at the same time. This is what causes problems bro. I can almost gaurantee if you get a second hard drive to record to only, your problems will disappear. Using the main hard drive to run your computer (Windows, Cubase) from, and the 2nd drive to record to only.

Wadi said:
Not of VIA chipset I hope?
Some ppl say VIA chipsets aren't reliable with huge amounts of data transfer, and some companies doesn't support VIA Firewire chipsets ( I think motu was one of them)
So, get the TI ( Texas Instruments) chipset if looking for a firewire card...but I don't really know how much of this experiences telling horrid tales with VIA chipsets are bullshit :erk:
My last DAW I built was based on a VIA chipset mobo. The recorded audio was full of crackles, even when listening to the cd, the music wasnt smooth and crackles can still be heard. Then, I had separate drives for audio an OS. The audio drive is a SCSI 10000rpm. I tried all measures of optimising the machine and failed everytime. So, one day, I decided to invest in a "higher end" system and got an intel based chipset mobo. All problems solved. No more crackles no more headaches and I am still using the same drives and soundcard.

No more VIA for me.