I saw Gigantour yesterday


Jul 12, 2005
Jersey Baby
I went to Jones Beach yesterday. It was the first time I was there and I really didn't care for the set up for a festivel. There were 2 stages and you couldnt see both at the same time. If you wanted to see a band on the first stage, you were inside; a band on the second stage, you had to leave the arena and go to the side of the arena. So if you wanted to see every band, you missed the beginning or end of every band's end set trying to get to the next stage. That irritated me. It was the first time I heard or saw most bands but this is what I thought (in no order):

Bobaflex - caught the last song; can do without them

Dry Kill Logic - pretty good

Nevermore - heard one song (don't remember the name) but I really liked them and would see them again

Symphony X - never heard them before but thought that they were good; left before the end of the set to get back in time for Fear Factory.

Fear Factory - I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE Fear Factory. There new album came out yesterday.

Life of Agony - I Love Life of Agony but Keith Caputo's onstage dancing was a cross between Scott Weiland and Shakira's ass shaking. That was some funny shit. I think he was a little off on a few songs but I still loved it anyway.

Dream Theater - didn't see them; what I did hear, they sounded good to me though.

Dillinger Escape Plan - Ok, I was on the floor for this show - 14th row - but there were hardly any people down there until the very end for Megadeth and I presume Dream Theater as well. So it was easy for musicians to really see who was digging them and who wasn't. I never heard them before but I think I would see them again. Anyway, I will say I wasn't preprared for them. Whoever the singer is, he is a big buff dude and I think he wakes up angry. I think he breathed and his veins popped out. There were two dudes in the front that the singer asked their names because you could tell they were huge fans and then proceeded to tell a few people in the audience that you could tell wasn't interested in them, that Matt and Chris were better than them. I laughed a few times but tried to hide it because I thought if he saw me, he might jump off stage and beat me up. I'm only half kidding. He was mad at the mike stand and threw it into the ocean. From the stage to the ocean was a good distance and he just picked that mike up and tossed it like it was nothing. He was swinging the mike and trying to hit someone in the band, hit the guitarist (or bassist, I don't remember), the guitarist kicked him and then the singer belted him with the mike again. He grabbed one of the symbols from the drum set and a drum stick and started beating the shit out of the symbol (let Matt or Chris beat on the symbol), eventually broke the drum stick and threw the symbol behind their set on stage. Let me tell you, this dude had distance. Anyway, at the end of the last song, this is the best - the singer threw down the mike and I thought "uh oh, he's pissed at someone and he's coming to get them" but no, he ran and jumped off the side of the stage into the ocean too, maybe to get his mike stand? Who can say for sure. :lol: The security guard who was sitting on that side of the stage had no idea what to make of the situation but I think he got a kick out of it as well. Hell, we all did. That dude is insane.

Megadeth - This was my first time seeing Megadeth. I liked their stage show and I thought they played really well and overall I thought Dave seemed like a pretty cool dude. Even for Megadeth the floor was empty (25 seats in my row and only 8 were filled) and I thought for sure he would say something to the people that were sitting (like get off your asses or something) but no, he just played and didn't let any of that bother him. Overall, I really liked it.

I was supposed to do the Meet and Greet with Megadeth yesterday. The instructions we received in the mail was to be at the show by 4:30, 5:00 the latest. So we get there at 4:00. They start giving out the tickets and more instructions. The Meet and Greet wasn't until 7:00. Why we had to be there early was beyond me, giving us the impression that the meet and greet was before the show. Then I check the schedule - FF on the main stage at 6:40 to 7:25 and then LOA on the seocnd stage at 7:25. I decided that after I paid all that money, I wasn't going to meet Megadeth, not because I didn't want to meet Dave Mustaine, because I did, but because I love FF and LOA and didn't want to miss either band. FF has a special place in my heart and I wasn't going to bail out. So only my husband went. He got an autographed book for me which was cool that they did that. What was even cooler, though, was the meet and greet with FF and LOA afterwards when I told both of them that I gave up the meet and greet to stay and watch their bands play. I got a one armed hugged from Burton Bell :blush: and Joey Z from LOA was really appreciative. I hope I don't regret it later on but right now I'm ok with what I did.

JohnThrax and Metal Thrashing Mark went to see the show too if I remember correctly and I am interested to see what they thought.

Sorry for the long-winded post.
Cool review!!!!

I saw Dillinger play 3 years ago in a VERY small bar..You are right, the singer is insane:yow: The dude was blowing fire balls all over the place, it was pretty damn cool. I read a review of some Euro festival that had Dillinger playing alongside people like Britney Spears or something like that and the singer after finishing his set, dropped his drawers, and shit on the stage and told the audience that they were going to be seeing shit for the rest of the day:tickled: I can't imagine dropping a bomb in front of 30,000 people. Dillinger is a band that you either love them or hate them.
I posted this this morning:


Last night was my first Megadeth AND Dream Theater concert.

The day started driving from OC down to LI. We got lost (which really pissed me off), but we eventually made it there to catch Nevermore's set. They fucking rocked, but the wind was so strong you couldnt hear them on some songs. It was a real disapointment for me, especially for the first time seeing them. Their sound got better towards the end of the set, and Loomis was shredding like crazy. Warrel Dane said something along the lines of "Pick up our new CD at the FYE tent. Thats the only place you can find it, because it sure isnt in their fucking stores."

I had no desire to see DEP (and according to my friend, they "sucked"), so I walked around the outside to look for the CD signings. I then discovered the second stage area, which was actually pretty cool by itself. I caught the tail end of Dry Kill Logic (not my thing), and got on line to meet Nevermore. I had to buy their new CD again in order for it to get signed, but I didnt mind. Jeff Loomis was one of the coolest guys I have ever talked to. It was only for a few seconds, but he made sure to shake EVERYONE'S hand and sign their CD and whatever else they had. The drummer seemed like he just wanted the signing to be over, but im sure its because he has to do this kind of stuff all the time, and just wanted it to be over. Jim Sheppard was really cool too, and Steve Smyth commented on my Anthrax shirt. Warrel Dane was not at the signing, but I got my picture with Jeff Loomis, so I was totally psyched for the rest of the show.

From there, we went and saw Symphony X. They tore it up on the main stage. I have never heard ANYTHING from them before, but I was definetly impressed by the band. Romeo is a fugly dude, but he can play guitar like no bodies business. They had a short set, but the crowd was huge for them. I was really suprised. The singer really got the crowd into the show.

Fear Factory was OK in general. They sounded really good, but they sounded very repetative. I have Demanufacture, and those were the only songs I recognized (Replica and Demanufacture), but thats about it. All the other songs sounded the same. They didn't suffer from the same sound problems that Nevermore had to deal with.

I didnt really watch Life of Agony, because I was getting prepped for Dream Theater. They didnt disapoint. They opened with Glass Prison, and played (among others) Lie, As I Am, Home, Panic Attack, Pull Me Under, and an AMAZING drum solo from Portnoy and this guy from the Howard Stern show (Richard Christie from Iced Earth I'm told) on drums. They played a bunch of songs without vocals, and most with guitar. The crowd went CRAZY! They played Twisted Sister's "We're Not Gonna Take It," Iron Maiden's "Where Eagles Dare" and "Run to the Hills," Van Halen's "Hot for Teacher," Slayer's "Reign in Blood," some Primus song, and 1 other that escapes me at the moment.

Megadeth hit the stage next. They fucking kicked so much ass. THis was my first time seeing them, and I was excited to see how they were going to sound. Dave's vocals were a little weak in the beginning, but they got better as the night wore on. They played the hits, and I had a great time watching them. The pyro made the show a lot more exciting. The band was tight, and the crowd went crazy for the heavier numbers (Hangar 18, Wake Up Dead, Set the World Afire). It was pretty funny when Dave put the little middle "Killing Road" part in "Holy Wars" for the guy up in front who had the sign.

Overall, the price I paid for an all day show like this was very satisfying. I met one of my new favorite bands, got some autographs, and had a blast with my friends and girlfriend for the entire day. It was well worth it.

COME ON GIGANTOUR '06!!!!!!!!!!
I saw the tour when it came to Irvine and it was well, WELL worth the $35 per ticket. If you liked Symphony X you should check out their singer Russell Allen's solo album called "Atomic Soul."
I thought the jersey show wasnt too bad, Dream Theater FUCKIN RAWKED.

Poor Dave Mustaine was losing hs voice from the pure fact the tour was so long, and he didnt seem like much of a guitar god likes hes supposed to be.

John Petrucci(Dream Theater) was much more impressive and technical than Dave, quite a bit faster too.

I'ts My opinion that no band can follow Dream Theater and still look good, except maybe the gods themselves, Anthrax.

Symphony X i got there at the beginning of their set, they were alot better than i expected. i didnt pay attention to any of the other bands, i was too busy getting ready for DT.
"I didnt really watch Life of Agony, because I was getting prepped for Dream Theater."

Way to drop the ball, ace. You missed the best band on the bill.

What exactly do you have to do to "get prepped" for DT? They're just gonna stand there and rock the house.

Just bustin' your balls...but seriously, you did miss the best band on Gingantour.
From what I heard on the website, Life of Agony is cocksuckingness. Not worth the effort, especially to someone into Dream Theater. Please don't start a flamething if you don't agree...

Yeah, I was there. PNC. Amazing show, but especially Symphony X...I'm a huge fan to begin with, but they were hands down the best there anyway...of what I saw at least. Dream Theater was good, but not concert music, and it was hard to get into the good-for-a-show songs because of the goddamn seats. I like places without them much better. Anyway, Megadeth was very very good, THEY PLAYED HOLY WARS. BITCH.
i dont like LoA, i'd rather get a few beers in me and smoke some pot, and jut chill and wait for DT. DT was the best show on the bill, and IMO Symphony X came in second.
Megadeth has lost it, they arent what they once were.
Dillinger are amazing. One of the most explosive live experiences you'll ever witness. Astonishing. I've seen them 5 or 6 times and I'm always totally blown away by what they do.
I saw the tour in Tucson, AZ. and I'm sorry, but Dream Theater are one of the lamest bands I have ever seen. Technically speaking, they kicked ass, but that doesn't mean shit if you don't have good songs or stage presence. I mean how long can you draw out a wanker solo? That and their fans are fucking hippies who just stand there and trip out like they're on acid. Symphony X were pretty boring too. I don't dig the Dungeons and Dragons type lyrics or imagery. Say what you will, "you have no taste in good music, blah, blah, blah, you like nu metal (I hate it), you have no appreciation for musicianship" but Life of Agony and Megadeth were probably the best on the bill. You can't fuck with Holy Wars or This Time live. Yeah, Mustaine was losing his voice and Keith does dance around a bit, but their songs were to the point and they had shitloads of energy. Fear Factory and Nevermore also kicked ass. Naysayers bring it................................

p.s. Dream Theaters set allowed me to get a beer!!!!!!! HA!!!!!!!!

p.s.s. I liked their one song, "scenes from a memory" though.

p.s.s.s. Children of Bodom could have been on the Gigantour if it weren't for DT. That angers me.