I saw RUSH tonight...


I like pie.
Jan 9, 2002
Southern California
9/28/02 I just got home from the greatest experience of my life...seing RUSH live in concert. It was amazing, and i cant remember ever having that much fun! I weeped like a baby several times....perhaps my favorite band ever...playing right in front of me...needless to say it was very emotional for me. They played for 3 hours without an opening band...the concert was EPIC! a setlist to die for...heres what i remember in no particular order:

tom sawyer, distant early warning, YYZ, roll the bones, bravado, driven, the trees, earthshine, ghost rider, the pass, limelight, drum solo, freewill, acoustic time, new world man, la villa strangiato, the big money, natural science, original jam out piece i hadnt heard before, spirit of the radio, temple of syrinx and By-tor and the snow dog.

they played a lot of stuff from newer albums...which im not as fond of as the older progressive stuff...but they were still great songs live...

the only part of the whole night i regret....is not getting closer seats! ;)

i doubt anyone else from the forum was there tonight....but maybe?
Damn, they played Natural Science! Sweet shit on a stick that must've been fucking wicked. Last time I saw them they played almost all of Hemispheres and I pretty much shit myself.

I'm going to see them soon when they come back home, at the Air Canada centre on Oct. 22 in case anyone from T.O. is reading this.... I can't wait. I'm going to order the tickets tommorow.

Glad you had a good time, they are great guys and great players, and it's good to see that Peart is back at it after his tremendous losses in recent years.

i saw them back in july and it was amazing.

the fact they dropped most of 2112 really doesn't matter since there encore is practially worth the price of admission.

its a real shame the arena leg is only one month long though.
OK...So I also saw Rush a couple of weeks ago at the Gorge in Washington state, and I have to agree with your emotion! They fucking kicked my ass...over and over again!! Neil, Geddy, and Alex are three of the most incredible musicians I've EVER seen perform!! Where else can you see one guy play the bass, the keyboards, AND sing AT THE SAME TIME!!!!!!!!! This concert was the crowning moment in my live show career!!Now, the only concert I need to see to feel complete is OPETH!! Bring it on Mickael!!!!
Originally posted by LordHypnos
I have seen mikael live too...they were great...but didnt live up to my new standards due to seeing RUSH live, heh. ;)

Not very many bands can compare to Rush live, but there's one which I think is even better.. King Krimson. Damn they are amazing, oozing with talent and by far the most progressive live show I've ever seen. Bill Bruford is a living a legend.

I seen RUSH back in the early 70s in Pittsburgh, they were the 3rd act, behind KISS and Mott (formerly known as Mott the Hoople). They didn't have Neil Peart yet and it was their first performance in the U.S.

I still think that the song 2112 is one of the greatest pieces of music in rock history.