I seem to have killed myself and am now dead ...


Apr 8, 2006
Hamburg, Germany
At least that's what I read about myself today:

Check the comment by "Rivetz80" (he's a complete idiot who keeps posting bullshit about me).

I hope that means I am getting more famous ... :D
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RIP Smy!

seriously.. are you not freaking out when you find out a guy is cyber stalking you and saying this stuff about you? bit weird no?
Hilarious. Obviously a joke. Do you know the guy?

Hey guys did you hear the tragic news? Sammi has just been found dead in a public toilet in Hamburg, apparently he has been very depressed of late and decided to end his life in a David Carradine inspired copycat suicide. Amazing how even in his final act he managed to be remain steadfast in his artistic vision, hackneyed and derivative till his last breath. Beautiful.
Jackal: s'alright! Just came home from watching Terminator - Salvation in the deadfolks cinema.

Bob: not in the least, tbh. I've been quite exposed in my scene media wise since 2006 and that brings a lot of haters. The more people dislike you, the better, cause it means that more people know about you. The amount of shit I heard about me is insane. Check out my track "Fuck What You Heard". Lyrics are here: http://www.faderhead.com/lyrics/faderhead_fh3_fwyh_lyrics.html ... it's all true :)

Keith: no it's not meant as a joke. The guy has been posting harassing comments on my youtube videos constantly. I just delete them and ignore him. :)
Cool, go find yourself some nice dead girl over there... like Marilyn Monroe or something. :kickass:

And yes, if you are worth so much attention you are doing something right. ;)
A while ago some local trve and n3cro black metal band posted a big ass review about a gig my band played stating how much we sucked and should die etc. etc.
I got some really good laughs from that, especially after finding their website and listening to their oh so trve rehearsal room recording. Pure comedy! :lol:
why am i always hearing about this kind of petty jealously coming out so publicly between guys in Germany? Lasse has some fuck-head harassing him as well.... and it's not the first two times i've heard of this... is it really so common over there? i lived in Germany for 6 years and i don't remember stuff like this. unglaublich :rolleyes:
I say look at it as a positive, run with it. What happens when people hear their favorite artist/actor dies? they go get their cd's/movies/etc. Then at some point you can say "hey, I'm not dead".