I seened Geoff Lewmis


May 17, 2006
Saw Mr Loomis co-headline last week in a club that held about 75 people, half of them being the opening bands. Jeff was hanging out with everyone watching the opening acts, not at the bar either. Talked to him in passing a few times.

Thought it was a little weird he was selling 'the last photo taken with Nevermore'... And made quite a few mentions of Nevermore while performing.

It was cool to see him play his solo shit in person, but it sucked in comparison to seeing Nevermore. They sure fucked up something good. Wonder what kind of regrets Jeff may have when he can't sell $18 tickets co headlining with Soilwork.

And...soilwork sucked.
It will be only a matter of time before he figures out he stepped on his own dick. IMO TOC (other than 2 or 3 songs) was a bunch of recycled riffs that was figured not quite to be good enough for his personal shredstorpiece and passed off for that recording.

There is a whole world of intense and hungry guitar players full of riffs, a new Nevermore of fresh blood won't be a bad thing.
Jeff hasnt stepped on his dick. I really dont get what all you people are complaining about. He didn't leave to change musical direction, he didn't leave to become a guitar hero. Maybe you all should actually talk to him and find out why he left. His reasons were deeply personal and Nevermore while still being in his heart just was a bad place for him mentally. He wanted to get away from some of the bullshit. EVERYONE in the band did. Stop blaming him for the demise of a band that was not based around HIM. Warrel has always been Nevermore and always will be. Get the fuck over it already and just wish him luck.

Especially you Lynn, you made 50000000 posts on this board about how you would lick the shit off the crack of Jeff's ass. All you do now is talk shit..... Pathetic human.
Jeff Loomis will always be one of the great metal guitarists (guy who can write good riffs, play emotionally as well as with speed).... even if I don't care for his solo albums that much. I'll have to give them a thorough listen again though.
Jeff hasnt stepped on his dick. I really dont get what all you people are complaining about. He didn't leave to change musical direction, he didn't leave to become a guitar hero. Maybe you all should actually talk to him and find out why he left. His reasons were deeply personal and Nevermore while still being in his heart just was a bad place for him mentally. He wanted to get away from some of the bullshit. EVERYONE in the band did. Stop blaming him for the demise of a band that was not based around HIM. Warrel has always been Nevermore and always will be. Get the fuck over it already and just wish him luck.

I'll assume you've talked to him. I haven't had the chance, but I doubt he'd tell me anyway. His public comments have always been minimal and cryptic. If he needed a change, fine. It was starting to become obvious the band wasn't going to escape the underground and enjoy the success of some of their opening acts. It kills me to see In Flames and Shadows Fall go from opening for IF to blowing way past them, especially given how hard IF sucks now.

But I can't abide the way he and Van split. After 18 years together, to let Warrell find out on Blabbermouth rather than deliver the news himself was low.


Now I got a question for you: why couldn't Nevermore keep a second guitarist? Pat O'Brien: fired. Tim Calvert: got hitched, promised his wife he'd get a real job. Curran Murphy: quit. Chris Broderick: hired gun, never joined permanently. Steve Smyth: who the hell knows. I get the impression Jeff left these guys no room for input or expression, except maybe for Calvert, which is why DNB sounds so different from all the other albums.

As for TOC being weak, I blame that on Wichers. Some of his bad Soilwork habits manifested in TOC, sad to say. Jeff may have fallen into a rut of using the same tricks over and over but Wichers has gotten even worse about it. That album would have been vastly different if Johnny K or Devin Townsend produced it.
This thread made me wonder what I did with the tickets I had for the show that fated season. I used them to shim a window frame in the plant/your not allowed to go in there furniture room. lol.
Now I got a question for you: why couldn't Nevermore keep a second guitarist?

Pat O'Brien: fired
Real Reason: Wanted to play more extreme metal. May have been fired for various reasons but never really wanted to be in the band in the first place.

Tim Calvert: got hitched, promised his wife he'd get a real job
AND To focus on his family, guitar / effects building (Strictly 7 Guitars).

Chris Broderick: hired gun, Never joined permanently
Never joined permanently cause the Megadeth offer was put on the table and Warrel and Jeff told him if he didn't do it he was a fucking idiot.

Steve Smyth: who the hell knows
Steve is a fucking drug addict drunkard who after having his kidneys replaced decided to start drugging and drinking again. The band didn't want to be around that, and the other reasons were never released to the fans, but those of us that know the band and Steve know the truth. Your fucking clueless so shut the fuck up about it.

As for TOC being weak, I blame that on Wichers. Some of his bad Soilwork habits manifested in TOC, sad to say. Jeff may have fallen into a rut of using the same tricks over and over but Wichers has gotten even worse about it. That album would have been vastly different if Johnny K or Devin Townsend produced it.

Ya cause the new Soilwork sounds like ass, and JK and DT are soooo fucking popular by way of comparison....LOL

You seriously are one opinionated douche canoe with no clue on any of the FACTS of any of these situations. Jeff was not the reason these guys didnt stay in the band. Neither was Wally, they all left cause they thought the grass was greener. (except for Pat and Steve of course who were fired.)
As for TOC being weak, I blame that on Wichers. Some of his bad Soilwork habits manifested in TOC, sad to say. Jeff may have fallen into a rut of using the same tricks over and over but Wichers has gotten even worse about it. That album would have been vastly different if Johnny K or Devin Townsend produced it.

A different producer wouldn't have fixed the crap material issues. Really, TOC has the same problem that EoR had - three good songs do not an album make. Add in the fact that those three "good" ones would have been among the worst on any other NM disc, and...
You seriously are one opinionated douche canoe with no clue on any of the FACTS of any of these situations. Jeff was not the reason these guys didnt stay in the band. Neither was Wally, they all left cause they thought the grass was greener. (except for Pat and Steve of course who were fired.)

Look who's fucking talking. You have all your facts backwards.

Real Reason: Wanted to play more extreme metal. May have been fired for various reasons but never really wanted to be in the band in the first place.

I posted an interview here with him. He was fired for reasons not given and Cannibal came later. he spent a few months not knowing what to do.

AND To focus on his family, guitar / effects building (Strictly 7 Guitars).

Strictly 7 is Curran Murphy's gig, you moron, not Calvert.

Never joined permanently cause the Megadeth offer was put on the table and Warrel and Jeff told him if he didn't do it he was a fucking idiot.

Except Chris was with the band in 2002 and again in 2006, YEARS before the Megadeth offer.

Steve is a fucking drug addict drunkard who after having his kidneys replaced decided to start drugging and drinking again. The band didn't want to be around that, and the other reasons were never released to the fans, but those of us that know the band and Steve know the truth. Your fucking clueless so shut the fuck up about it.

Well that was very classy of you to air out his dirty laundry like that.

Goddamn what a fucking asshole you are.
Uh, I didn't know anything about Tim being involved in S7. That's Jim Lewis from Antithesis' gig. Last I talked to him (which has been a while, admittedly), Tim was still flying.

It's not, Mr. Know it All got his facts wrong. I posted here about meeting Curran Murphy at the S7 booth at NAMM and talking Nevermore for a while.
I still say what I've always said: unless you're in the band, or intimate acquaintances with people in the band, everything is hearsay and tabloid bullshit. And even if you know people (formerly) in the band, you've only heard one side of the story.

So unless you were there when everything happened, shut up and stop gossiping.
Jeff (well, his flack Ms. A) just posted this new Schecter. Quite the paint job.

I still say what I've always said: unless you're in the band, or intimate acquaintances with people in the band, everything is hearsay and tabloid bullshit. And even if you know people (formerly) in the band, you've only heard one side of the story.

So unless you were there when everything happened, shut up and stop gossiping.

That sums up religion nicely.