I should get rid of all of my records...


Jun 25, 2002
I'm moving right here and I have about 1000 cd's and 1000 copies of vinyl here, fuck...about 70% already moved, but still... :danceboy:
Send them to me. I'll cover shipping costs.


Hehe, 10 LP's would be about 45 euros as postages, so a thousand would be 4500 euros (about 6000 dollars) and then there would still be those 1000 cd's, so most likely the postages would cost about near 10000 dollars. :goggly:
Yep, I just went through this earlier this year (750 CD's and like 400 tapes - not to mention all the DVD's). I simply had about 20-30 copy paper boxes from work that I filled up, stacked neatly in the truck and shipped without a problem. It was the things that didn't fit cleanly in boxes that got all nicked up (furniture especially).
