I started my "new" job today

I'm gonna turn this into my new "what's up with Avi" thread

looked at a few houses yesterday - 2 got the thumbs down (tho one had an excellent yard) and 1 that is pretty excellent but we need more info on it. the kitchen is amazing, but there's a few things I'm iffy on.

also: the same week I open an mp3 store, someone else in sweden did the same and appears to be doing a much better job than me which makes me sad and frustrated. I was really hoping that it would save me from burnout, but it actually seems to be pushing me closer. however, I got an email offering to pay me for some writing this morning. how much, I have no idea.
good news: I will be making stupid amounts of money to let people cut and paste my content which means I might even be able to pay my writers.

also: making an offer on a house tonight.

nothing is final until the i's are dotted on the contracts.

My working at home/second shift/while drinking days are over.
I'm working 9 to 5 again and actually feel better, drinking less (during the week) and sleeping like normal people do.

Not too bad. I do miss working in my underwear and not showering though.