I still find Queensryche strange for doing this...

I go way back to '83 with these guys. I gave up some 20 years ago.

For my ears - Queensryche is The Warning, Rage For Order, and Operation Mindcrime. Those are three discs that I hold near and dear.

The rest? You can have 'em......
I have seen Queensryche 4 times since 2005, and I will probably never see them again. Their Mindcrime performances are very cool because they are theatrical and put the emphasis on the stage-show and not the band themselves.

See, that I don't agree with. Of all the things Queensryche needs to change, their live performance isn't one of them, which is why this whole cabaret idea confuses me.

And I'm going to say it knowing full well I'll get hate for this, but I actually didn't mind HITNF. Was it vintage Queensryche? Hell no, but I thought the songs were pretty cool (for the most part) in my opinion. They truly went down hill once Degarmo left. If he had stayed, they would not have gone in the directions, i.e. BORING AS HELL, that they have. I like many wish they would just call it a day and Tate if he wanted to, could do a solo career. The music they write nowadays isn't Queensryche anymore, but I still say they kick it live.
I'd like to know that tracklist so I can spin it...

For Tribe? Simple. Track 10 becomes track one, then all the other tracks move over in sequence.

This way, the sappy happy song begins as we imagine life as hunky dory. Then, we see life ain't that great with "Open"(your eyes), and continue forth, so by the album's end, you have "The Art of Life", which was always the classic Ryche album-ending song.
It's called "running out of ideas"

It isn't humanly possible for them to milk OP MINDCRIME more than they have in the past 10 years, with re-releases and live sets performing it in its entirety or in suites.

Mindcrime II was an atrocity. I only heard a couple songs from their last one, and it didn't sound any better.

They did that cover album too.

Hate to say it, but give it 10 years, or less, and you will be able to see QR at your local summer festival on the "Classic Rock" stage.

I was of the same opinion as you on "recent" Queensryche, but in getting ready for their last tour I went back and really listened to every album since Empire A LOT. None of the stuff really impresses at first, but it really grew on me the more I listened to it.
I don't give a shit about their legacy, and most people who rag on the band haven't even listend to their recent albums, nor seen how they perform live recently.

The band is still trying to make a career out of being performing musicians, which isn't easy. So what is to you what they do with their time? At least they are still putting out albums, writing what they want to write, and doing what they want to do. Few bands can claim the same. And enough people are enjoying what they are doing to allow them to continue doing so.

Well put.
The Queensrÿche Cabaret was art, lust, dancing and naughty fun with the band performing their hits and never-heard-before selections accompanied by go-go dancers, burlesque dancers, drag queens, a juggler, ballet dancer, aerial artist, contortionist and much more.

No, thanks. I went to a drag show once when I was living in Nashville. Seeing men who look better than me in a 2-piece bathing suit has left me scarred for life. :zombie:
Most of their fanbase still thinks Queensryche is the epitomy of metal, which we all know isn't the case. The majority of them are clueless to bands such as Symphony X, Evergrey, Circus Maximus, Redemption, and Serenity.

That's very true. Remember when they toured with DT on that co-headline dealio? I went to two shows on that tour. At the first one, the Queensryche brigade left before DT played, when they closed, and the second one, where Queensryche played last, people were like "I've never seen an opening band play so long" and stuff like that. There ARE some cool, knowledgeable QR fans out there, but a lot of them (I don't wanna say it, but hell with it, the fat chicks :) ) are oblivious to anything other than QR. If it isn't QR, it sucks, and that's sad.
Yeah, but any long running band has fans like that.

I mean, 20,000 people show up to a Maiden show, where less than 5% would show up to see Blind Guardian the next night in the same city.

QR, like Maiden, has die hard fans from the 80s who never was exposed to anything underground.
I wish they'd just rename the band. In all seriousness, is there a band in Metal's history, who has ever actively pissed on their own legacy the way Queensryche has?
See Osbourne, Ozzy.

And, Geoff Tate had help. Her name is Sharo....er...Susan.
That's very true. Remember when they toured with DT on that co-headline dealio? I went to two shows on that tour. At the first one, the Queensryche brigade left before DT played, when they closed, and the second one, where Queensryche played last, people were like "I've never seen an opening band play so long" and stuff like that. .

I had almost the same experience at the Tampa show. DT went on before QR and a burnt out looking chick next to me with a Op: Mindcrime shirt on noticed l was going nuts during DT. She asked me who they were & why were their songs so long. :rolleyes:
I can't possibly be the only one here who truly enjoys most of Q2K? "Liquid Sky," "Sacred Ground," "Burning Man," "Right Side Of My Mind," "Wot Kinda Man?" - all big time 'Ryche favorites in my library. As for HItNF.... I'll say this, every great band has a "throw away" album that most of their fans don't enjoy, but "Chasing Blue Sky" and "Sign of the Times" are dang spiffy tunes.

On the subject of this new live cabaret nonsense, I can say with all honesty that I'll be as far away from that as possible. Queensrÿche, whether you like their music or not, have always seemed to be a respectable, professional, and even, dare I say, "classy" metal band. Resorting to burlesque dancers and basically slutting up a good show is just cheap.
As for HItNF.... I'll say this, every great band has a "throw away" album that most of their fans don't enjoy, but "Chasing Blue Sky" and "Sign of the Times" are dang spiffy tunes.

On the subject of this new live cabaret nonsense, I can say with all honesty that I'll be as far away from that as possible. Queensrÿche, whether you like their music or not, have always seemed to be a respectable, professional, and even, dare I say, "classy" metal band. Resorting to burlesque dancers and basically slutting up a good show is just cheap.

I'm one of the few people it seems that likes HITNF. It has nothing to do with their past greatness and they went into a more alternative direction, but I do like the tunes on that album. Q2k and Tribe just bore the hell out of me.

Agreed on the cabaret. As I said, if Motley Crue wants to do shit like that, I completely understand but Queensryche makes no sense. They've always been quoted as being the "Thinking man's metal". That's definitely not the case if they're doing this.