I think Abbath is a wholly underrated guitarist


Be still, O wand'rer!
Apr 26, 2002
Consider "At the Heart of Winter" and recognize that is a single guitar you're hearing. He has this exceptional technique of strumming his rhythm section whilst simultaneously picking at the higher 'open' notes.

This is quite Hendrix-esque in terms of serious quality musicianship.

He's also able to do this in a live setting without the need of a second guitarist. [Sorry Demonanz but Immortal peaked without you]. Those of you at Wacken should seriously enjoy the Immortal show.

Abbath = great songwriter + guitarist

but nobody seems to give him much credit for the guitar playing ability. So let this thread worship all things Abbath and his tea-totalling gr1m corpse painted ways.

Actually I think Immortal only seem to get crap for looking funny when they're truly an excellent band. Abbath also handled the drumming on Pure Holocaust and Blizzard Beats, and while they may not be stellar or exceptionally good in the drumming department, they sure as hell are fuckin solid.

edit: and as usual the kool kids have already seen 'em live (At Wacken, too)
They do get flak for the image, but you know, everyone's fair game. Whether it's Maiden's old spandex or Bathory in the loincloth.....at the end of the day, you just need to let the music do the talking.

"At the Heart of Winter" is a total highlight of the 90's. From a guitarist standpoint, it is a bible of riffs. I'm just a big fan of mid-paced riffing where you can hear all the intricacies and chord changes. The production is perfect too, it's a very 'hollow' guitar tone.

I saw them at BB Kings on the Metal Gods tour....and I just noticed that they released a shitty 'official' bootleg of that show.

From the review:

There is one hilarious moment on the DVD, however, when Abbath is doing something onstage (that we can't see because the zoom button isn't "kvlt," I guess) between songs, probably switching guitars, and in response to the crowd's shouting, says, in a growly yet somehow friendly voice, "be patient," as if talking to a class of black metal kindergarteners. Clearly he had momentarily forgotten he was at an Immortal show.

Actually, he ONLY spoke in his black metal voice between songs, so I presume this is quite normal for Abbath. (And lots of other black / pagan metal bands too).
Did you just compare Abbath to Hendrix? :lol:

He's a good rhythm guitarist and a solid musician, I dont think he really deserves much more praise than that. Immortal as a whole is awesome and does unfortunately get dismissed by many people simply for looks alone.
"At the Heart of Winter" is a total highlight of the 90's. From a guitarist standpoint, it is a bible of riffs. I'm just a big fan of mid-paced riffing where you can hear all the intricacies and chord changes. The production is perfect too, it's a very 'hollow' guitar tone.

That album absolutely gets the juices flowing in a "run outside and eat some tree bark, then puke it up and chase the taste wit teh beer cuz it's soo metuhl!!" kind of way.

Yep, pure tree bark munching, rifftastic godliness.

JayKeeley said:
Actually, he ONLY spoke in his black metal voice between songs, so I presume this is quite normal for Abbath. (And lots of other black / pagan metal bands too).

I heard he does this on the phone too and it really pisses everyone off.
Did you just compare Abbath to Hendrix? :lol:

Well, yeah, the techniques are similar. For a long time, people didn't realize they were only hearing one guitar.

He's a good rhythm guitarist and a solid musician, I dont think he really deserves much more praise than that.

Actually, that's the point I'm trying to make -- Abbath is a way better guitarist than most people probably think. His technique is exceptional.

And then consider that he delivers vocals ON TOP of those rhythm/lead sections. It's like he's multitasking vocals, rhythm, and lead (melody) simultaneously!

There's only one way this is possible -- he must have sold his soul at the crossroads after losing a guitar duel with Steve Vai!
I've never heard At The Heart Of Winter (or Damned In Black).

I don't really care for the other post-Pure Holocaust albums.

"At the Heart of Winter" cannot be lumped in with anything else they've done IMO. That's an example of a band at their absolute peak in terms of creativity, especially since Abbath stepped up to the plate for the first time.

It's like a 'rebirth' of the band or something.
Well, yeah, the techniques are similar. For a long time, people didn't realize they were only hearing one guitar.

I've heard this one about Nick Drake before too. People would say things like "He sounds alright, but who is that guy playing with him?" Meanwhile it was just him on the acoustic, picking multiple seperate things and blending them into awesome, awesome songs. Some of the best ever.
I don't listen to Immortal after Pure Holocaust, because I think the song writing gets tiring after a few tracks. Interesting combination, but the music is linear with no depth. Maybe a few head banging moments though.