I think I am becoming "that guy."


guitar deity
Jul 31, 2002
New England
You know the guy with the mullet who screams for "Old Shit!" at metal shows...

I find myself listening to the earlier amazing albums from Gamma Ray and marvelling at how bad their set i recently saw was because it was comprised of "New Shit."

I am all for bands progressing as its something i believe in as a musician but there are some bands who i want to smack because they actually regress in musical quality the longer they are around and therefore makes me want to scream for "Old Shit!" when I see them.

Pretty soon I'll be shopping at Wal-Mart like this guy...

well besides the fact that they refuse to sell albums they find questionable but will still sell you guns(at certain locations), not much is wrong with them as a whole but it was just a funny side note to the pic i found i thought.