I think I'm getting better.


Apr 18, 2010
How does this mix sound? A little bit of mastering went on too.


Just my thoughts after listening is maybe turn the OHs down a little and make the kick and snare more present. Also I think I went a little to crazy with the stereo widener.

EDIT: I just got the iso pads for my monitors so I'm starting too see what's going on now lol. I'll post another mix in a second.
^The same opinion here. The second version is better I think. In the first one the kick sinks too much. Do you use side chain compression from kick to guitars?
Kick is too loud and the whole mix is pumping quite a bit, there's some audible clipping as well. Not sure how you managed to do that with like -12 rms. :confused:
It must be clipping before im mastering it a bit. Maybe im running gclip too hard too. My buses are kinda wack though I will say. I'll try and clean it up tonight.

Also nah its lecto but im gonna reamp it into my bugera 333xl or baron k88 possibly.

Could some one link me to a side chaining tutorial? Not sure what that's all about.

The last mp3 was a mistake I had the master bus turned down -8db by accident haha.
Sidechaining is when you send a signal (kick) to say, your bass bus, with a compressor strapped on. So each time the kick hits, it ducks the volume of the bass slightly.

YouTube it, I'm sure you'll find some info.
Low end is way too cluttered, sounds like it's eating up all your headroom, whole mix sounds very scooped and muffled. Try less scooped guitars and work on the low end on kick and bass guitar.