I think I'm going to need some serious help with this mix.

Some people moan too much :) I downloaded it, I can always delete. But yes streamable is better.

Its certainly not that bad, but as you noticed there are some issues.

The snare - replace it maybe. How are you treating your drums? The are a bit hidden at the moment - not a lot but the snare really needs to come out. If you like the sound, compress it - work on the attack times, maybe dup the snare and gate it so that only a short attack remains to push it out. I think they need compressing more overall and bringing out with the attacks punching better.

Guitars are ok but bass could be fuller and deeper. Bass is lost at the moment though, how many bass tracks you working with, whats in them, split it into 3 tracks if its a di and treat them as layers of bass.

These are only ideas, without hearing the tracks its a little tricky for me to be sure.
Some people moan too much :) I downloaded it, I can always delete. But yes streamable is better.

Its certainly not that bad, but as you noticed there are some issues.

The snare - replace it maybe. How are you treating your drums? The are a bit hidden at the moment - not a lot but the snare really needs to come out. If you like the sound, compress it - work on the attack times, maybe dup the snare and gate it so that only a short attack remains to push it out. I think they need compressing more overall and bringing out with the attacks punching better.

Guitars are ok but bass could be fuller and deeper. Bass is lost at the moment though, how many bass tracks you working with, whats in them, split it into 3 tracks if its a di and treat them as layers of bass.

These are only ideas, without hearing the tracks its a little tricky for me to be sure.

Thanks SO much for your input man. I don't have much time to make a post to detail the signal chains but will do so a little later.

Will also attempt to make the changes you outlined.

I hate having to download tracks. Make it streamable.

I'll figure it out and make them streamable from now on. My bad.
Let me know what you think of this mix. I removed the prior one.

It feels a way beefier since I backed off the hi-pass filter on the bass. I replaced the snare in Superior with the WFL. I also sent the Slate Snare out to the parallel compressor which I didn't do before.

Here is the mix and a few of my signal chains.
https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/90404540/The Haunting - Rough Mix 01.mp3

Peavey Grind 5 String
Output 1 is a dirty amp with major hi pass filtering. Strictly for Grit
Output 2 is their AMPEG SVT Model, with Woofer and Horn IR's blended.
Both of these are grouped to one Bass Group which includes the Wave API-2500 compressor plugin. I got pretty aggressive with this compressor to level it out with 6-8db of reduction.
Side chain to make the bass duck out by 3db or so when the kick hits.
Hi Pass filter(I was a bit aggressive on this filter on the prior mix and took it down quite a bit)

Superior Drummer WFL blended with the Black Beauty.
Sent to an effects buss for some serious parallel compression.
Slate Snare #22
Sent to the same compressor as the first snare for a blended parallel compression.
sounding much better.

Not sure if you have send any drums to reverb, but if you do make sure the reverb goes through the parallel as well.

I dont high pass bass (well maybe sometimes 20hz a little)

For bass the best trick is devide into 3, low pass the di track 1 about 180, then put bass sim onto track 2 ie amplitube or something, high pass at 200hz, and 3rd track sansamp or a distortion, high pass this one even more for the string clang/distortion.
sounding much better.

Not sure if you have send any drums to reverb, but if you do make sure the reverb goes through the parallel as well.

I dont high pass bass (well maybe sometimes 20hz a little)

For bass the best trick is devide into 3, low pass the di track 1 about 180, then put bass sim onto track 2 ie amplitube or something, high pass at 200hz, and 3rd track sansamp or a distortion, high pass this one even more for the string clang/distortion.

Yep. Got a light reverb running in parallel on the snare and toms. Same reverb for that matter. Wondering if I should increase it just a bit. Have it automated to mute on blast beats.

What's your preferred reverb plugin if you have one? Perhaps some settings if you're up for it too. I tend to overdo or underdo reverbs. Can't seem to find the sweet spot.

Seems like with my current bass setup Output 1 is equivalent to your track 3, and output 2 is equivalent to your track 2. I'll throw the original DI track in there with your settings and see if it improves it any more.

Once again, THANKS so much for your input. I really appreciate it.
Alright gents,

Bumping this one last time then I'm gonna lay it to rest as "good enough"