i think somehow i'm now going to see dillenger escape plan tonight?

okay so, guy with knife, and fat girl. check.

i am actually going with all my old friends from philly. it should prove dangerous.
my roommate teaches 3-year-olds, and there's one fat bully kid who looks and acts exactly like o'doyle, so that's what we call him. i don't even know his real name.

i didn't read catch-22 until about three years ago, and i couldn't believe how good the writing was--I'd always assumed it was one of those overrated books. but yeah, it ruled!
no it was this one:
January 25th

Corn Mo

i got there really late, at like 10:30 or 11 or some crap....
i just sat downstairs anyway during the other parts but i guess corn mo was this dude playing metal covers on an accordian! crazy. i heard it but didn't see it.
dep did a good show.
Corn Mo changed my life.

the only cover he did was Motley Crue - Home Sweet Home

the rest were originals.
one was about a lollipop
one about junior high entitled "junior high"
and one was about some guy that got peed on entitled "the day Jason Cline cried."

and don't think for a second that I didn't purchase his CD before leaving the venue.

the first band was pretty standard, but kinda cool HC.
the second was this really cool hip-hop group, the beats were really noisy and dark and the dj was great.
I thought the MC was eh....kinda sounded like the dude from Rage Against the Machine.

DEP fucking slayed....except I like the old vocalist better, this guy is far too muscular.

I start realizing how much I love New Jersey the moment I pay $5 for a Budweiser.

all in all, pretty cool beans.
yea the singer has MAD muscles. i bet you saw me! i had to walk across the stage with dep because they wanted me to stand in back behind ben as to not get thrashed around. and like, i walked thru and people were like ATS ATS!!! and i got all red and hid.

i kind of wish i had watched the accordian dude.
i can put up some mp3s of corn mo tommorow, although I listened in the car, and it's far better live.

I think you can email him at cornmo@hotmail.com for more info and upcoming shows.

oh yeah...he also had a song about being mistakened for Gary Buesy.
what makes that even more hysterical is that one of the managers of one of those bands has a nickname 'gary mother fucking busey'.

hah. i did hear his home sweet home cover and it ruled. the hip hop thing was dece too.
dep was really pretty excellent and they played the best songs!
fuck! you're making me wish i went upstairs to watch it. it was cold downstairs anyway, wtf was i doing down there? GAUWEY#*($Y#@$@*(#Y@
well i guess it was like some 'guest room' thing but i just wanted to sit in a puffy chair and eat an apple. i kind of wish i had known i was gettin in for free i would have asked them to list you but i didnt know i was 'cool' or whatever. i was like, ok.. dece.
dude! well, they're not playing for like... a year. but you know, if they do again, you're in like flynn.

BUT do you like jeff wood's band? shat? craziness. i love how people were like JEFF WOOD all night