i think somehow i'm now going to see dillenger escape plan tonight?

jeff wood is this crazy guy they are all friends with. he is literally OUT OF HIS mind. i am afraid of him. terrified to even be around him. but anyway, he's in this bizarre band 'shat'. seriously. look into it. it's semi life altering.
yea... take yr time. you dont want to rush into it. it's an enigma. you may resurface as an altered man. it's like lsd. do it with caution.
dalek is ok (live, i never heard their disc)! i like their sound more than i like them, i think...i don't think the rapper is a very good rapper. but fun show, and i saw them opening for ISIS, so i was psyched all night anyway.
I saw Dalek w/ISIS, too. I'm not a fan of live hiphop for the most part, but that Dalek record is good and they recapture it alright on stage. I just prefer to listen only.
what else would you do? dance?
