I tried some M-Audio Studiophile Q40's today...


Sir Groove-A-Lot
Jan 31, 2010
Cambs, UK
... and fucking hated them.

A friend just bought a pair and brought them over for me to check out.

Now, I haven't placed a massive amount of importance on headphones in the past, as I mix through my monitors 99% of the time, and currently just use a low-mid range set of Audio-Technica (ATH PRO5 - £60~) cans for the finer details, which do the job fantastically. They have great response, very flat, a detailed low end, and just a generally honest representation, no voicing - sounds just like I've put my monitors against my head lol.

These M-Audio however sound like a scooped, overly bassy, fizzy mess. I could never mix on them in a million years, and never shall. They're essentially a glorified set of audio-consumer headphones designed for listening, but dressed up and marketed for "studio" use. And at the ticket price of £114, I think it's pretty disgraceful. They even made mixes that I love (Way of All Flesh) sound like dogshit... now that takes some doing.

Anybody else tried/own these? Am I wrong and just had a bad day or something?