Headphones! M-Audio Q40?


Nov 15, 2007
Hey guise, i'm at work (guitar/instrument shop) and i've seen that while I were gone we got in a pair of M-Audio Studiophile Q40 headphones.

These lie in my comfortable pricerange of headphones as I am on the lookout for some new ones. I tested them and they seemed pretty OK, fit good, sound good, but my ears are not trained that well.

So I wondered, have anyone tried these and could tell me about them?

Also is M-Audio a good/reputable brand? They seem like it. Sorry for my newbiness.

(Sorry for any typos as the keyboard here is really shit.)
Ninja bump

I understand if there's nobody who has opinions/tried these, but how about the M-Audio question? They seem to be a good quality company.

Pic for random attention catching:

I think M-Audio has a pretty decent rep. I've been pleased with interfaces/monitors I've gotten from them in the past so I think the headphones might be worth a shot, and if they are comfortable and sound good what more can you really want?
True, true. I want something that I can mix with, i'm just starting out and since I work there I get a pretty good price. I'm just worried that it colors the sound too much for me if i'm going to mix.

Again I am not very knowledgable in this field, so any input on that too would be greatly appreciated.