I want to conduct an interview with Marcus, please.

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Aug 17, 2004

My name is Sune Petersen, I am from Denmark, and in the near future I will have a school assignment.
The assignment is about our future plans/hobbies, and since my hobby is playing guitar, my teacher told me it would be a good idea to try to get some interviews with my favourite professional musicians. And since I really enjoy The Crown (my favourite band), and I think Marcus guitarplaying is absolutely mindblowing, I think it would be cool with an interview.

However, the interview I am looking to make, isn't the regular "tell me about your new album" interview. The kind of interview I am looking to make is about being a professional musician, and being able to make your hobby become your job, and in what ways you can educate yourself as a musician, etc. So I am kind of trying to display a professional musician from the job perspective, since this is basically what the assignment is about. I doubt I'll ever become a professional musician myself, however I will never give up hope, therefore I have chosen this subject, and am trying to get an interview.

It doesn't have to be anything fancy at all, an email will work fine, I am not looking to steal your time.

Please, if you read this Marcus (or if the admin can help me??) I would really appreciate it.. And I would appreciate if I could get an email to write to.

Thanks for your time!!
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