I want to go out to the desert and to investigate the marfa lights w/ mia

sneakers are ugly and offer very poor ankle support.
i don't see what's wrong with wearing boots, toby. in fact, boots are BETTER than sneakers. they'll protect me from jumping scorpions, etc.
If the scorpions wear sneakers, then you just have to. I mean, just look at that black and white guitar. It must represent the good and evil in that man's soul. And the mullets...OH THE MULLETS!!
I don't want to ruin the magic or anything but I was looking up these marfa lights and found this:

If you wish to believe the "Mystery" Lights are mysterious, don't go with a pair of high-powered binoculars. Because if you do, you'll soon realize that the Lights are nothing more than the headlights and taillights of cars driving U.S. 67 between Marfa and Presidio, on the crest of the Chinati Mountains.

I don't know if this is true though?
seeing mia clamber around on slippery tidal rocks in Maine with her high boots on was kind of a white-knuckled, heart-stopping experience. especially for my parents.