I want to see pictures of you lovely people!!!

I can't believe how many posts this thread has! o_O
Oh well, here's another one of me. This is from last summer. My friend Jose and I went to our favorite industrial/goth club and for some reason it really sucked that night, so we stood outside and took pictures. I was pissed off and tired but this is one of my favorites. :)

he created hands to play bass! guitar are to be played with a pick ;)

i just wonder if masturbating keep yer hand in shape and improve their fastness so you will be a good guitar player if you wank often??
I live in America and am Scottish after the comments I've already heard...:err:

Looks like I won't be bothering! :heh: :kickass:
MagSec4 said:
Do YOU not get it?

This whole forum is a joke

oh well, i know this.. the average bodomfan these days seems to be either a girl who think alexi and janne looks cute or a younger guy who wan't to be black metal but don't like the music..
some of the guys here seem to be alright.. but this thread just makes me puke, almost as much as the "look at me girls, i am a gentleman who is telling this immature little bastard to fuck off when he is writing pussy"..
i will not answer any of these threads again i promise, i will leave you lovebirds alone to flash with your pictures in a forum that was supposed to be about metal..
slaesh said:
oh well, i know this.. the average bodomfan these days seems to be either a girl who think alexi and janne looks cute or a younger guy who wan't to be black metal but don't like the music..

So, where do I fit in?? I'm just an old demented freak, who likes their music, but doesn't mind having some silly discussions sometimes :wave:
sorry about it, its not the average yet, but there are alot of them coming in i have noticed (especially in sweden)