I want to see pictures of you lovely people!!!

Some pics from yesterday's gig with my b/f:s band Blanket (the festival included some other bands too). Sorry if these are too big.

If interested, Blanket: www.nomasi.com/blanket

I'm on the right.




My boyfriend.

EagleFlyFree said:
isn't that the one that was spanking you in Wacken?
and also, wasn't he in that Lake Bodom meeting? i suppose he's cool with your... tendencies :-P
Of course he is. :grin: We have same friends and belong to same metal club.

@tara: you have a boner?!? :hypno: OMG why is that?
Lotus_Eater_RVD said:
nice pics Vampire...does your boyfriend's band have any samples of their work somewhere online?
Vampire, hahahaha. Just call me Lolita. :tickled:

Thanks, we had fun. There were some 100 people at the venue.
So the band is called Blanket and there are also downloadable material at:

mp3's: http://nomasi.com/blanket/mp3.html
I recommend the latest promo 7 and especially Henry The Killer for the first tune to listen. REALLY kicks some ass!

There's also Blanket musicvideo available, it's awesome, called Good King.

So if you decide to listen to or watch them, let me know you opinions on them. :)
since im fucking bored and waiting for my hair to dry.. why not post a assy pic of myself...here you go, beavers of joy
