i want to shake this judge's hand


Aug 2, 2002
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and stab this guy:

Bradley's father, Israel, said he never saw anything in the Bronx restaurants that informed him of the food's ingredients. "I always believed McDonald's was healthy for my children," he said in an affidavit.
This summer, McDonald's in France placed an advertisement in the popular magazine Femme Actuelle that said, "There is no reason to eat excessive amounts of junk food, nor go more than once a week to McDonald's."

A McDonald's spokesman in the United States told CNN in a telephone interview that "this is one person's opinion. Eating McDonald's food can easily fit into a balanced diet. I eat its food every day and I'm perfectly healthy," the spokesman said.

dear world:
if you have kids, you might want to like, take responsibility for their health a little. also, YOU SUCK.

josh, you can't tell me honestly you really would want mcdonalds to lose this case and then a bunch of fat people would be rich fat people and mcdonalds would continue to poison people anyway.

also: to add to the dad's comment:
(p.s. all mcdonalds and burger kings by law have to list their ingredients and nutritional information on the wall of the restaurant! it's even there in brail for crying out loud!)
oh! haha ok.
i for a second there thought you went over to the other side (whispers: the side where the FAT people are...!)
Yeah, but was it adequately listed? (I'm being serious) It seems to me that there is, somewhere, a legal benchmark of stupidity, as in "people dumber than X are shit-outta-luck, because you exerted sufficient effort". But what's X? Is listing the ingredients on the wall enough or do McDonald's workers have to say "Welcome-to-McDonald's-may-I-help-you-eating-our-food-is-like-injecting-yourself-with-oven-cleaner-would-you-like-fries-with-that?"? Is it sufficient to note on a butterfly ballot that you should ONLY VOTE FOR ONE CHOICE and PUNCH OUT THE HOLE CLOSEST TO YOUR CANDIDATE?

How do they determine exactly at what point you no longer have to dumb something down?
well, let's face it. there is never enough dumbing down. (ie, the wrapper on candy that says 'remove wrapper, eat' as the directions.

welcome to the world of law folks.
I think lawsuits are a good thing. Although it can go both ways, they're generally the weapon of common people against corporations. In less litigious nations, there's a lot more abuse that goes unchecked because there's no fear of litigation. Sure, sometimes frivolous suits are filed and even win, but there's always going to be blips in the system...
anyone that claims they thought McDonalds was healthy to feed their developing children twice a day...no, nevermind. I can't even think about this right now. I'm going back to the Clint Howard thread.