i want to shake this judge's hand

i work in a law office. obviously i see nothing wrong with litigation (hello?) but at the same time, i think it's a very sad state of affairs when people cannot take some responsibility for their own health. i mean, just for their own good. not to be finger pointing, but just so people wouldn't always die of cancer and heart attacks and then their kids have to be all sad and shit.
agreed! i think the world would be a much better place in general if people would be responsible for their own actions instead of blaming "mcdonalds for making me fat". this extends to a lot of spheres, including personal injury ("exxon for making me burned by not telling me not to throw a can of gasoline into the campfire") and politics ("the israelis for making me blow up that pizza shop").
i spent a lot of time when i lived in MA working at a personal injury and malpractice firm (family business etc etc) anyway, i mean, we had some cases that were really important. cases like old people being made sick by bad food service companies, people being mistreated by home healthcare aids, and now i work doing discrimination work, which is also really important (in my eyes). so yea it's useful, but i have also seen how ugly it can get. people should stick to suing landlords for using lead paint and take their fuckin kids to a regular GROCERY STORE for once. eeesch.