I want your help


King Of Fools
Aug 4, 2002
Melbourne, Australia
[color=#AOEOOA]I'm looking for a program which will equalize the volume levels of a set of mp3 files.

I'm just about sick enough of having a loud track following a soft track an blasting my speakers and waking everyone in the house at 2am.

Any idea's guys?

Places which may hold this kind of program?

Thanx in advance.[/color]

I figured you'd be the guys to ask.
[color=#AOEOOA]Sydo, Will a sydomonkey do? I believe Spawny is selling those.

Thanx Blitzy, I knew someone would know what silly old me was rabbiting on about.

Thanx mate.[/color]
Originally posted by Aussie_Outlaw
Sydo, Will a sydomonkey do? I believe Spawny is selling those.

:lol: Well, unfortunately Sydomonkey is unavailable for such duties on account of him being dead, but I will be setting up a Sydomonkey benefit fund in his honour :D
I've got Aussie's problem, except mine are already ripped. Any suggestion there? I almost blew out my eardrums the other day when I started Slayer because it seemed to rip so much louder than anything else.
who wants it ??? i have it ..
it's audio catalyst ... has it's audio grapbber and an mp3 player that's pretty alright ... the one EXE is 2.85mb ..... ???

in the Grabber , it has a normalize button , and you can configur it , but really , there is no need to .... :D
ok hang on a sec .. i belive it only does WAV formats blitzy .....

ok , i just checked it again ... only WAV .... it has a good mp3 incoder thu if you wanna re ripp the stuff again ....

it's not bad actually .... but no mp3 normalize ,,,, sorry ...

i'll find something else that might do it ...
You can rip the files into .wavs, then normalise them and covert them to mp3s with Audio Catalyst (thats how I did my Slayer/Brucie/Hair Of The Dog/Sinergy compilations) and they dont change volume from song to song :D