I was browsing Devin Townsend discography on wikipedia

wow.. YT compression really jacked that up... ha

here's a better streaming player for both of the songs Devin sang on my first Solo album... "Since Forgotten" and "The Last One":

http://www.mixpod.com/standalone.php?id=60145826 (i turned off auto-play, so you'll have to hit the play button once the player opens)

this was recorded and mixed in '95... ADAT days... so no Beat Detective, no Sound Replacement (it could be done, but was a lot harder than today, and i just didn't feel the need to), no Quantizing, no "lego-ing" together bits and pieces to create the illusion of a real performance... none of that, so it's pretty much as organic as it gets for metal. it's one of my earliest mixes to get released as well.

Devin was great fun to work with.. lots of manic energy and an awesome display of talent. tracked him in my loft-studio in Oakland.... the drums were performed by Dean Castronovo... another straight bad-ass!

i'm not fond of this mix these days anyway, but it's worth noting that i ripped these from the Japanese release... and those fuckers did some "extra mastering" without my consent, and it just doesn't sound quite as good as the US release. but, i didn't have a US copy lying around.
btw, I realized that eventho you played in bands like Testament, Obituary, Death and those other countless bands, that was actually the first time I heard your material (with exclusion of the Roadrunner United album, which I realized that you played on like... 20 minutes ago), and I really have to say that I really dig your style, especially on those guitar harmonies.
The guitar harmonies are a big part of James' lead style. When I first listened to the "Annihilation.." track from the Roadrunner United record, I was pretty sure that it was James on lead guitar,without knowing in which track he was in. (I see Marshall and Boogie in the background,did you use one of them?). I really really love the way he played the solos on the Testament - "Live at the Filmore" record!!! Awesome tone,awesome playing,awesome performance,awesome live album!!! Is that a...Fender you're playing on that album or an Ibanez? And your trusty emg 85??
Hey, sorry for bumping old thread, but i'm looking for list of albums that Devin recorded/produced, is there any ?