I was cleaning up my dropbox and...


Anssi Tenhunen
I got a warning that I was running out of space on dropbox, so I started cleaning up some of the files like some 300mb wavs that didn't matter anymore, but I went thru all of the files and listened to some of the mixes and guitar tone tests I did in the past 2 years...


You just become so blind to what you do when you are in the moment. Now I can totally understand for example why some of the mixes I liked back then nobody else liked. :zzz: My most common problem is/was the huge low end that overpowers everything else and maybe even undergaining the guitars, so I need to beware of those.

But there actually was one mix that I was pretty pleased with, too bad I can't remember what the band was, the multitracks were posted somewhere a while back. (edit: quickly googled and it was Convulsia)

before (raw tracks): http://dl.dropbox.com/u/1338211/angelkiller_ahj_v03_before.mp3
after: http://dl.dropbox.com/u/1338211/angelkiller_ahj_v03_after.mp3

No wonder Sneap doesn't go back and listen to his earlier recordings, now I know how it feels. ;)