Dropbox question


Oct 22, 2008

I plan to install a new OS today and therefore I will delete everything from my harddrive. I just realised that I have dropbox installed and I'm sharing a folder with others.
If I change anything in this folder, it will change for everyone else as well. However, everything will be deleted when I install my new OS.

So, I already googled and I just want to make sure that this is correct:

If I disconnect from dropbox/disconnect from the internet and delete the shared dropbox folder from my harddrive, it won't change anything for the others who use the folder.

Is this correct? Because if I delete the content of the folder by accident I'm in trouble. ;)

EDIT: I just read that it's probably better to leave the shared folder and rejoin later. :o
Your online dropbox folder will only empty itself if your are connected to Internet and to your Dropbox account... and manually delete the folders. So if you disconnect and go offline, you can delete everything with no pb. Or simply reinstall your OS if you don't have any more backup, you don't care.

Next time you install Dropbox and connect, it will copy your files on your local Dropbox folders again.

A manual backup is always safe anyway
You'll be fine. Even if you delete everything from Dropbox, you can undelete them from Dropbox website. I think Dropbox keeps them for 30 days at least.
Thanks for your replies; it's just that I don't want the files to be deleted for anyone else (even if they can be undeleted), since they probably know even less about dropbox than me. ;)