ATTENTION i have an idea sneap forum DROPBOX

this is confusing the bollox out of me now - can you publicly post the dropbox share link so we can click and auto join to the sneap folder?? or are we sharing individual folders?
Kazrog, I think the dropbox idea will be easier, but I want to thank you for hosting the FTP for the amount of time you did. I definitely downloaded a lot of stuff over the last 2 years.

Thanks :rock:
I'll setup a special ABG pre-release folder on there for you guys if you want as well...So that would contain all the latest stuff that may or may not be available...Let me know.
Doesn't dropbox suspend your account if you transfer too much?

I'm not talking about space limit but bandwidth limit.

Regards sandra
yeh dude clean out your inbox a little bit lol i tried sending one too and its full...oh well ,my dropbox name is the same as my name on here

before you get rid of the FTP, will you please make a backup of all the content somehow or perhaps it could be transferred to someone else for hosting.
There's just so much stuff on that thing it seems a real shame to lose it all, esp. the collections of drum samples

Would anyone be willing to take over hosting all those files? It'd be a massive transfer that's for sure
it's not wiped, it's all still intact.

just the drum samples would only come to about 500MB
the rest is all likely in all the individual users' computers somewhere, except for the impulses and S2.0 presets.

To me it seems that it's the samples that are important to keep, kazrog can you hold off removing everything for a few days?
i can spare some of my dropbox - if we split the load between like 2 or 3 users then its only going to tot up to around 160mb's each - after that we can sift through the files, delete the crap and gather up what we have left and slap it up on an advert ridden cheesy website and be millionaires by next year - lol
Just throwin it out there but what about putting the categories into a timeline like week 1 9/10-9/17 so its even more probably asking alot lol but it might end up getting less confusion out of people
what do you mean dalin? do you mean in the dropbox? because its gona have a shitload of index folders

i think an easier way would be in the main sneap folder in dropbox to have a .txt file and every time someone updates something in the dropbox they make an edit to the txt file stating the updates location & file name and type - that way we could keep folder amounts down resulting in less indexing

we could also do with more members...hint hint cath - empty your mailbox!
How does dropbox work? I would like to be part of this dudes but don't really know how to make it work. Does the internet connection have to be on to for people to download my files? Its just the internet I get to use isn't the type that is on all the time, it gets turned off when I am off.

If I can get it to work, I could also store the drum samples collection, lots of people seem to like it.
Dropbox is a system by which you upload files to the dropbox servers, from which they can be downloaded at any time. You have a choice to put files in your private folder or your public folder; the files in the private folder are accessible only to you, the files in the public folder can be downloaded by anyone who has the correct URL for the file