Running out of Dropbox space?


Dopefish lives!
Jul 18, 2006
Don't want to delete files on your Dropbox to put others there? No money for more space? Too lazy to manage several Dropbox accounts?

Then check out ZumoDrive.

Don't know if people know about this, so excuse me if this is old news, but I just recently stumbled upon ZumoDrive and it's A LOT like our beloved Dropbox.

You also get 2 gigs for free, which are managed through a client software or web-interface - much like Dropbox.

As with Dropbox, you also have the option to get those highly convenient direct links for your files to share them.

But it's not a straight knock-off: Instead of managing your files via folders, ZumoDrive creates a virtual drive on your machine. Contrary to Dropbox, files put into this drive (via Drag&Drop etc.) don't actually physically exist there, just the links to the files on the server (visually represented like physical present files). This saves resources (HDD space), but also means that you can't move the files locally as fast as with Dropbox because they need to be downloaded first.

Another difference to Dropbox, which I think is quite handy: Instead of an automatic synchronization every time you start the client, files are being synchronized when you actually need them (access them).