I was drinking some...

Priest of Evil

Adores the Number 666
Dec 1, 2005
I'm drinking some Absolut Vodka and thinking people must have some funny stories to tell. So speak...:kickass: :
I don't mind decaying my liver when it comes to a fine imported beer... but i rather not tell my stories... some are downright embarrassing ....
I was drunk once. Party with some former students in a country house. I'm only used to Scredrivers (vodka with orange juice FYI)and that night there was only gin available. So I started mixing gin with ginger ale until the alcohol taste was like a SD. Only by then the threshold was HIGHLY surpassed. Well after 4 (the fifth ended over Vanessas's lap) and a sixth one I was officially wasted.

Puked 4 times, finished asleep, lost the party and luckily I didn't end with a hangover.

I still drink a SD from time to time, but I enjoy my parties with Coca-Cola or Sprite way better :D And ocassional glass of wine or a sweet liquor at night before bed is the most for me.
the long story, went to a Mexican restaurant, doing shots, drinking Margarita's:kickass: , doing shots, drinking margaritas:kickass: :kickass: , kept telling myself I have to order food, more shots, more margaritas:ill: ........woke up in the planter outside the restaurant.... there's more but it only get's worse. Total blackout, had no idea we went to a few other clubs. Lost purse, lost keys, broke window to get into house.

I don't drink tequilla anymore. :puke:
I don't drink Vodka much anymore. That's what I started on, Tvarsky Double (160 proof) and Kool-aid. We drank Tv Double because it was six dollars a bottle and we could get four of us completely shit-faced. We mixed it with Kool-aid because that's what our Mom's had in the cupboard. Many, many blasted parties, puking, passing out, etc... Got old in a hurry.

Got sick once on Te-kill-ya by playing quarters with straight-shots (and I went on a losing streak that night). Never drank it again, not straight anyway.

These days, I stick with Whiskey and/or beer. I can keep better track of my buzz. As for "stories", I have a thousand of them and I've told many of them on these boards already. Most of my good stories have alcohol involved! Me and my friends have always had a good time partying.
I don't have any stories to tell, but you do have good taste in Vodka :)

At least it had never gave a hangover or made me :puke:

Hadn't tasted so many anyway (besides the cheap local brands) to have a "culture" like: Stolichnaya, Smirnoff, Finland. Still have to check Absolut and Grey Goose...but I'm in not hurry :D

@Kitty: most people I know baing into tequila shots have the stories simillar to you. I taste it once and dislike it, I guess better stay away from that weird stuff :lol:

NP: Saxon - 'If I Was You'
Tequila=fuel :)

I love the stuff, BUT I have had MANY bad experiences with it.
What I learned was:

1) Never mix it with ANYTHING.
2) Eat well before you drink...
3) Sidewalks should have handrails to keep me from toppling over into the street while WALKING home. :lol:
At least it had never gave a hangover or made me :puke:

Hadn't tasted so many anyway (besides the cheap local brands) to have a "culture" like: Stolichnaya, Smirnoff, Finland. Still have to check Absolut and Grey Goose...but I'm in not hurry :D

I've never had anything but cheap stuff. Absolut is supposed to be good. I've never had tequila either. And reading what happened to Kitty, I don't think I want any!! :lol:
Tequila=fuel :)

I love the stuff, BUT I have had MANY bad experiences with it.
What I learned was:

1) Never mix it with ANYTHING.
2) Eat well before you drink...
3) Sidewalks should have handrails to keep me from toppling over into the street while WALKING home. :lol:

+1 so true lol i love tequila but best to drink it in moderation...
Rather than fill in all the nasty details, I'll just provide the essentials for my one drinking too much story that I care to share.

It was a Halloween party. I went as Ace Frehley. I made my own platform shoes by stacking two 2 X 4's together, cut to fit the soles of an old pair of high top tennis shoes. I drank too much. I'll allow you to fill in what I left out...
Rather than fill in all the nasty details, I'll just provide the essentials for my one drinking too much story that I care to share.

It was a Halloween party. I went as Ace Frehley. I made my own platform shoes by stacking two 2 X 4's together, cut to fit the soles of an old pair of high top tennis shoes. I drank too much. I'll allow you to fill in what I left out...

This story is no good without photos!

I am an alcoholic so I can top all stories. Being an alcoholic doesn't mean I am drunk all of the time. I actually drink about 1.8 times a week (I have calculated it) and on special occasions. However, having that "problem" means that I don't get sick or pass out. There have been many occasions I should have died from alcohol poisoning but simply woke up with a hangover that was incredible.
I may not even be alive today if it weren't for marrying my wonderful wife. To this day, I still love alcohol and give myself some "me" time with my beloved beer, but my wife and beautiful Son keep me in check to a degree.

To get back on topic.... me and my buddy Keith got thrown out of a Slayer concert because we were trashed.... We snuck back in from a window.

^ Yeah Bryant, I've had a few of those deadly hangovers after some of the benders I've been on. Puking up nothing and dehyrdated to hell, cant move. :puke:

What exactly is 1.8 drinks a week though?:erk:

I average a couple a night at minimum and tonight I'll probably drink half bottle of Canadian Club while I dub off my old metal vids & clips to DVD.
That's pretty tame by my past standards but like you, I've got a wife and a beautiful son (two yrs old in a week) who keep me in check. Some people might consider me alcoholic but I'm not so sure, if you control your cravings then its not a problem really.

I got thrown outa Satyricon when I tried to sneak backstage so I could do a stage dive, just for old times sakes.:headbang: Only when I got there I decided I couldnt be bothered, I turned around to go back but the security guard was coming... I only missed the encore so it wasnt the end of the world but I felt like an ass, standing outside with another guy who was kicked out for puking and passing out in the toliets!