Moderate Drinking

Oct 17, 2005
Kinnear, Wyoming
Question, what is Moderate Drinking and how much is it? I drank again last night (i always drink to much) and i can't seem to stop because i enjoy to drink but i can never stop. So i figured i need to limit myself because I don't limit myself. i had a 5th of vodka last night and i drank it all without any chasers. I will tell myself, "ok one shot will do and that's it" then i just keep drinking. I seem to drink only when i play video games and i think that's why i drink to the point to where I don't stop. I have a huge burn mark on my arm and i have no idea how it happened.

Moderate Drinking is healthy for you, and i can't seem to find an exact amount of how much "moderate" really is when it comes to drinking because it depends on the person, so I'm curious to know if one 40oz beer a day is ok and won't kill my liver in 5 years. I know if i keep drinking how I do ill be dead in 5 years. Any help would be nice.
Moderate Drinking is healthy for you

There is insufficient evidence to support this claim. Daily consumption of a glass of certain types of red wine made from grapes in a specific region of France has been associated with a reduction of certain types of heart disease in people who eat a typically French diet. Regular consumption of any sort of ethanol has been associated with increases in certain types of cancer in some populations.

Full disclosure: I enjoy a glass of single malt or mead about once a week.
How often do you typically drink a 5th of vodka in one night? How many times per week?
Drinking everyday is a great way to wreck your body :lol: I mean a glass of wine a day, like mentioned above, is what people traditionally think is good for you but :lol: Drinking a 40 a day will get you into the state of a hobo in no-time!

I thought you said you stopped drinking? :(
yeh i used to drink about a fifth a day for several years of my early twenties, then i didnt live with my drinkin partner/devil on my shoulder anymore and just kinda stopped....i guess since it sounds like you drink alone that doesnt help much.....have you tried weeeed?
I try to stop but i get tempted.

yes a glass of wine is good for you, my step grandpa has one glass a day for his heart.

the night before i drank an entire bottle of wine.

last night a 5th of cherry sky vodka.

I can go through a 12 pack of beer like nothing else. My tolerence just gets built up and i require more and more.

I can't smoke weed because they do randoms, though if i were to get tested right now i would fail :lol:

i dunno, im always alone when i drink but i do just need to stop. Like right now im telling myself "don't go to the store and get a 40oz" but when i drive by I stop anyway. I just hate being sober i guess, but I dunno, i am paranoid that ill die of liver failure in a year or two. That lone makes me scared to drink again. I just need to stop in general but when i do i start to smoke weed.

Dude, you sound almost exactly like me. When I'm all alone, I get anxious, and drinking seems to calm me down.

Problem is, once I start I don't want to stop, it's damned hard to. I usually don't stop until I fall asleep.

I'm only at about either a pint of hard alcohol or a six pack of beer per night. It's expensive as hell, even though I'm using bottom shelf. There was a few weeks straight where I managed to not drink a single drop, then I got laid off due to lack of work for a week. That whole week was horrible. No hangovers, but it was as bad then as you are now. My wife, mom, and coworkers (when I came back) noticed it even though I tried to hide it.

Anyway, not throwing a pity party, just saying you're not alone. If I could get people around me to not drink in front of me, and stay busy working constantly, I wouldn't drink. It's a wicked addiction (thank god I don't smoke cigs)
I managed to stop smoking cigs a month and a half ago, but i just enjoy drinking and getting on xbox live and playing with my friends. a 40oz is nothing to me but it does give me a slight buzz (amber bock 12 pack won't even get me buzzed, but it's good beer though) I think if i can just take control of my drinking i'll be ok. I shouldn't buy any hard liquor, and I won't from now on. If i do drink it will just be beer but it makes me feel good when i have a drink.
Well, take it from me, if you put your mind to it, you will do whatever you want. It depends on how badly you want it. You're 100% responsible for your actions. Addiction is hard but if you truly want to stop you can. It sucks for a week or so but it gets better as time passed. You're gonna fall off the wagon at some point too, just make sure you get back on ASAP. Don't drag it out and go on a huge bender. Remember that any less amount you're drinking is an improvement, so if you can't go cold turkey try to ween yourself off.

I was addicted to pot for 4 years. Like, crack addicted. I did all kinds of fucked up shit. I didn't ever think I'd stop, but I've been sober since July 2006 (about the time I discover internet forums surprise, surprise :lol:)...
Your exactly right, mind over matter. Just need to tell myself I don't need it. I was thinking about getting a 40oz tonight but I don't need it. I'm going to see how long I can go without one drop of alcohol. I know I can do it.
Jesus, good thing you don't live near me

We have bars out here that will make your drinks and serve it to you in a mason jar for $4.50.

4-5 of these and even I can't stand up straight. But that NEVER stops me from karaoke!

Long islands, amaretto sours, and lovely ladies <3
Hugs, and wishing you the best, Steve. I think Alex stopped all together because he knew he could not handle moderation. Me, I can have a single drink a year, and have no desire for it at all. But, I don't even have that one anymore because I do not feel comfortable drinking around him, but that is easy for me to say because I never liked to be drunk to begin with, and it doesn't take much. I think that if you have allot of trouble getting it out of your mind, it would be best to surround yourself with people that don't do it at all for a time. I don't really know the answers though, I was not around when he struggled to give it up. It must have been hard for him though, since everyone around him drank.
I'm a very active person, always going, always thinking. When I get home, I like to treat myself to a beer or two, or a glass or two of wine. Helps me relax and put my mind at ease.

I've been starting to dislike any drinking, since I have a bad enough problem with my bladder, but when I have a beer or two I always end up awake 5 or 6 hours after I fall asleep, needing to piss.
To me it's more about the behaviour than the amounts. I often drink big amounts on the weekends with friends but it's still altogether a positive, fun experience. If it turned negative or wasn't fun, I wouldn't do it. Your way of drinking does sound kinda detrimental though. Nothing wrong with getting randomly drunk alone once in a while but it could be a bad sign if it happens too often. I'm bred from a family of alcoholics so I definitely try to monitor how/why I drink.
Same with me, thats another reason why I am becoming concerned.

The concern itself is a good sign though. Many of my ex-friends have entered into really destructive alcohol and drug use where it mostly seems to be a way out. With them there's really no though behind anything, just random irresponsibility. It all comes down to the individual. I just promised myself to never get into that negative spiral. Drinking is merely a way to have fun rather than escape.

+ The whole family thing can be a good thing in some ways. I've seen/heard so much weird shit that I know limitations much more than a person from a "normal" family.. not that there are any normal families available :lol: