Question about coffee.

New cocktail for you Karen: Red Bull and Bacardi 151

Replace the Red Bull with Monster and that's what sent me back to the hotel early at the most recent Heathen Crusade. Too tasty :loco:

And yes I would imagine the hangover from this is horrible. I always experience my "hangover" within several hours of drinking. This always happens: I will drink, sleep for a very little amount of time, 2 hours at most, with dreams that play over and over and over in that small amount of time (it's maddening). Then, I wake up with a nauseating headache and sweat puddles for the next few hours, after which I finally fall back asleep for an hour or two. Then when I wake up from that I'm refreshed and dandy!

I really hate that process though. I kinda wish I could just pass out and stay passed out, and deal with a hangover the next day.