i was just told

mindspell said:
I started Salman Rushdi's Fury and just can't get into it.... I am a quarter of the way through and it is becoming painful to read... hopefully it'll change in a bit.
Seriously great book, if I remember correctly it really opened up toward the middle but I remember enjoying the whole thing.
I've always heard amazing things about Rushdie. Never read any of his novels, but I fully expect one day I'll read three of them in a row (like Faulkner--same deal).
I read three of his books this past year, Satanic Verses, Fury, and The Moor's Last Sigh. The first two were simply incredible works that I could not put down, Last Sigh I didn't enjoy much at all. He has a pretty unique style, sometimes it's like Finnegans Wake but 400x less insane (still pretty nuts).