I was thinking... Re: Anthrax' singer


Feb 28, 2002
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So, I was just thinking, since the band is short of a singer right now, that maybe it would be the perfect time for Scott, Chuck and Frank to try something new...

Now, we all have seen how Scott and Charlie always post photos of them with their friends and people they meet... And I was thinking, wouldn't it be great if instead of getting one new singer for the next album, just getting 20? :D

Imagine an album made specifically for guest singers, throw some originals and maybe some covers in it and invite some of those "friends and people" they've met over the years... Imagine an Anthrax album featuring... let's say... I dunno... Sebastian Bach, Ted Nugent, Evan S. (since they got together for Supergroup) on vox, then add some other big shots as maybe Paul Stanley, Phil Anselmo, Chris Cornell (hey why not?), Meatloaf... and even Gwen Stefani (I remember seeing a photo of Scott and her one time).

They could even invite Mike Portnoy for a special drum madness song... Or Vinnie Paul... Lilker could come along as well :p

Now THAT is a kick ass idea... Okay, so I'm totally dreaming... but wouldn't that be the coolest shit since sliced bread or what???

So who's with me? :) And who should they get for this incredible imaginary album? And you can even name your favorite covers with a favorite singer and whatnot... this is the ultimate fantasy thread... go crazy...

And yes... I know Julio would HAVE to be on it ;)
Ohhhh... To get things rollin':

Imagine Anthrax with Kerry King and Tom Araya covering Reign in Blood!:worship:

And Anthrax on anything with Kirk Hammet... :kickass:

And an original song with Paul Cook and Meatloaf & PEarl on vox :D

Come on... ideas people... get your thinking caps on...
Tony Iommi did this a few years ago and it only works if you like the singer. If they have a guy singing that you don't like, it ruins the song.
When it was just Joey/John, there were only 3 types of fans. Bush fans, Joey fans and fans who didn't give a frog's fat ass. With 20 singers, there would be endless polls, arguements etc. Anthrax should call it a day.
Isn't that what Carlos Santana has been doing?

Good example of what I'm talking about!:kickass: When he has someone good, like Steven Tyler, it works. When it's someone I don't like, it sucks. At least as far as I'm concerned.
When it was just Joey/John, there were only 3 types of fans. Bush fans, Joey fans and fans who didn't give a frog's fat ass. With 20 singers, there would be endless polls, arguements etc. Anthrax should call it a day.

Wow yeah 'cause I was obviously taking about 20 official singers, you know, members of the band... :rolleyes:

GUEST ARTISTS... jeez...
Julio would not be on the album - he doesn't 'Share' Anthrax with anyone - can't say much more even when quizzed due to legal issues with his label `El Toro Del Grindo'
So, a bit like the Probot project that Dave Grohl did a while back, huh?

As someone else said, it only works if you like a particular singer - What you end up with is an album where you like some of the songs and hate the rest, and it doesn't bode well for a consistent record, but hey, what the hell, why not give it a try? Although I think they should NOT use the name "Anthrax" for it, and as for Kirk Hammett, I think he should be banned from recording studios full stop.