I wasn't expecting that...


Opeth fanboy
Feb 5, 2002
I just was at Symphony X's site, because I decided to see what the band looks like... well.... Michael Romeo looks NOTHING AT ALL like I thought he would. I mean... DAMN...
Originally posted by Schraiber
I have to admit, I kinda thought he'd look like John Petrucci. Not the Mashmallow Man.
Just because of all the "John Petrucci and MJR talk" you thought that maybe MJR sported the same look?
The only thing both have in common is that they are great guitarists.

"Marshmellow Man"??? Come on... Since when are looks important?

@ SyX-Fan: Hee... you were faster ;)
I hate when people make threads about weight etc. Grow up. He is a guitarist, and one of the best ones in the damn business-what the hell difference does his weight make? The guy might read this forum from time to time too so try to show a little class.
I didn't mean to be offensive, I just mean, wow, that was a major surprise. In fact, no one in the band looked like I thought they would. I figured the vocalist looked like someone from Blink182 judging by his highness of voice. Oh well. I agree he's a damn good guitarist, though.
Well looks have absolutely nothing to do with it, and MJR is probably my favorite guitarist. And as for how he looks, he's not "fat". I think he's big, but not like FAT. He's just big boned. I wouldnt care if he was different looking, he'd still be an amszing guitarist.