I woke up this morning...

Oct 13, 2003
NL - Gelderland
...and i looked out my window and there was alot of white...but not from snow...from the freezing cold...looks nice :D


Those are gorgeous pictures! We had a light dusting and one false sleet warning so far, but nothing to go play in.

This year if it does snow really good, I'm going out and building a snow man. I haven't done it since I was a kid, and I want to give my neighbors somthing else to gossip about.
i woke up this morning to just a putrid, dismal winter day. if it's going to be this cold then there at least needs to be some snow! :mad:

frederick sucks. i forgot how much it did til we went driving around. we were in the drive-thru at mcdonald's and we heard the lady in front of us order a mcchicken sandwich with "light lettuce." light lettuce?!? people in frederick are so picky and irritating :loco:
lol, yeah, we were wondering about that. in reality i guess she meant light as in a little bit. like they ever put a lot of lettuce on the sandwiches anyway :Smug:

i wouldn't have had it for lunch but it was impossible to make anything in derick's kitchen earlier, so i gave up. er, gave in.
I have a headache so horrid any light hurts. And yes the monitor is hurting my eyes right now. Tonight, 16-20 people come to my house, including kids. I really wish I could shoot myself right now.