Fuckers Fuckers Fuckers

it's where you place someone's head in the gutter and kick it against the curb really fucking hard because they are your bitch and you own them.
FretsAflame said:
So - I just finished washing my car for 3 fucking hours out in the goddamn freezing cold because the bastard cock-gobbling kids in my neighborhood decided to egg my fucking car.

They did it last night - i am so fucking lucky it was cold or else there would have been so much paint gone - 24 eggs, al over my truck.

I think I'm going to have to come up with a retaliation plan.
Molester them. You'll only have to do it once. They won't come near you, or fuck up any of your shit after you've given them a good rodgering.

Make it painful.

You should PLay out the Ed Norton character from American History X.

Find the little bastards, take them to the road and tell them
" Put your mouth on the curb " :yell:

Them step on thier necks. * snap *

Problem children go away.......although he did go to jail in the film. That could be a problem. :err:
DreamNeonBlack said:
You should PLay out the Ed Norton character from American History X.

Find the little bastards, take them to the road and tell them
" Put your mouth on the curb " :yell:

Them step on thier necks. * snap *

Problem children go away.......although he did go to jail in the film. That could be a problem. :err:

i explored that possibility earlier in this thread.
My car was egged this past Easter. And the halloween before that someone pumpkin pied my car.

Now I have only lived in my neighborhood for 3 years. I have never even met anyone here, not even the people who live right next door to me. I did not go to school in this area so no one has any reason to have any beef with me. I keep to myself and I like it that way.

I don't understand why:
1) Kids insist on being assholes
2) Asshole parents can't control their asshole kids.

I work late and I usually get home really late at night. So all this shit went down sometime in the few hours between when I got home and when the sun rose. WTF. My mom would have kicked my ass if I was out that late at night when I was younger.
NeonBlack2112 said:
My car was egged this past Easter. And the halloween before that someone pumpkin pied my car.

Now I have only lived in my neighborhood for 3 years. I have never even met anyone here, not even the people who live right next door to me. I did not go to school in this area so no one has any reason to have any beef with me. I keep to myself and I like it that way.

I don't understand why:
1) Kids insist on being assholes
2) Asshole parents can't control their asshole kids.

I work late and I usually get home really late at night. So all this shit went down sometime in the few hours between when I got home and when the sun rose. WTF. My mom would have kicked my ass if I was out that late at night when I was younger.

No kidding - the situation is much the same with me - i'm in college, all the kids in my neighborhood are in their first few years of hs or middle school - i don't get it.

On top of that - this happened around 3:00 in the morning by my estimation, and we have an 11:00 curfew in our neighborhood. WTF as well - my mom would still beat my ass for being out that late on a weeknight.