"I Worship Chaos" Discussion Thread

I know right, at least Annihilator delivered this time so my hunger for Bananarama is somewhat sated but not for long :mad:
Honestly My Bodom should have been the opening track with the sound sample from I Hurt at the beginning. Would make much more sense as Halo of Blood closed with a Bodom-themed track so it would be a great transition.

Also something that has been bothering me.......when are we going to get that damn Bananarama cover? Or is it just stuck in musical limbo?

It's a Japanese Bonus track, said Alexi
My Bodom... I can't see how any Bodom fan could like it, it's like a really really bad In Flames song that starts accidentally in the middle of 1st verse... just utter tosh, with a little FTR'ish verse keyboard background and bit of solo lost in there and wasted. How dared they make that second song on the album? I don't understand what the hell is the thing about that "song." Guys, an _okay_ chorus is not enough for a great COB song. You clearly haven't been around on the golden days and don't know where this band is coming from, they're not just a punk cover band, they used to be the masters of metal that made pretty much every moment of every song epic.

Well, this is a return to the RRF soundworld which I don't like, maybe that's the biggest reason I'm not exactly floored. It's still nice, but they're a shadow of their former being. I want to see how these songs work live tho (RRF songs didn't work live). Some songs are more engaging and sound better live than others.
I like My Bodom. Love the sudden start of the song and the chorus.

Reading the lyrics, I'm led to believe it's about the only survivor of the murders @ lake bodom, am I right?

I agree, Alexi should ditch the hat.
My Bodom has really great chorus... lyrics fit the chorus too. But the rest is so fucking bad... I do not want to wait for the good part for like 1:30... And the part right after the second chorus... Wtf is that?!!! Even I could come up with better riff.. Sounds like they came up with the melody at first and then they wanted to quickly make up the background riffage. Just bad approach imho... (I am drunk right now btw :-/)
I Hurt - Love the Guitar and Key Intro Melody. Good build up before the verse kicks in. With one of the better verse riffs on the album. Nice fast, atmospheric transitions. Surprisingly catchy amd heavy chorus. The crazy Guitar/ Key melody at 3:06 is great. Only thing its missing are some solos but otherwise a solid opener and indicator of what to expect 4/5

My Bodom - The simplistic chug riffs get boring fast. The background Keys are cool. But overall it prods on without much excitement for the first half. The chorus is pretty good. Keys drive it. Great Key Solo. Finally picks up at 3:17. Good Guitar Solo. Doesn't make up for the boring beginning. 3/5

Morrigan - I thought before the release that this would really grow on me in album form. And it has. Great Guitar and Key interplay. And some darker atmosphere and melodies. Really good, well rounded Guitar solo. Great Keys all throughout. 4/5

Horns - Faster and thrashy Guitars all over the place. Nice transitions. Sweet quick Guitar solo. "The old school DM" riff is ominous. Some awesome Bass in this one too. And both solos are 2 of the best on the album. Could use a little more Keys. 4/5

Prayer for the Afflicted - My favorite slow one. Sorrowful Key intro and the Guitars build the sad emotion even more. I love the desolate vibe throughout this song. And the verse Keys are sick. "Don't bother trying to save us!" A lot of feel to the Solo section. 5/5

I Worship Chaos - Already have said I don't care for this song. Intro riff gets monotonous at :20 and goes on for another 20. Too heavy and boring. Keys are what save it. Thanx Janne! Really hope its not a live song. 3/5

Hold Your Tongue - "Its a fucking Rock n Roll song" and that it is! Catchy heavy riffage and awesome intro Bass. Key atmosphere carry the transitions and becomes more prominent as the song goes. Sort of FTR like! Solid solos. The mini Duet is sweet. 4/5

Suicide Bomber - My favorite song on the album. This song has got it all. Dark and gloomy Riffs set a nice tone. Taken further by the Keys. Fast verses. Really awesome Key melody and then some FTR style Guitars! Gang shouts are great. Best Key Melody at 2:08. Solos Rip! 5/5

All for Nothing - Truly is their most different song to date. Someone earlier said like a dark Bodom version of an 80's ballad. Fitting description. Great to hear some Piano. Whisper vocals are pretty cool. Emotional Riffs. Best Guitar solo on the album. And the solo tradeoffs at the end are legendary. 5/5

Widdershins - Old school vibe throughout. Intro Riff is the best on the album. And the Keys behind are great. Key melody during the verse is sick. Another early Guitar solo. Keys at 1:24 are badass and unique. Wish there were more like that on the album. We got a Duet here. Watch out! Breakdown at the end is not the worst thing ever but it does kill some of this songs luster. Some Keys over the outro riff would make it better. 4/5

Overall. This is the most unique sounding album from them in a while. Lots of cool ideas. But it is also very inconsistent and has too many filler parts. My Bodom and IWC really drag it down. And it sort of seems a bit rushed. Its right around what I anticipated and Im starting to dig it the more I listen to it. Could of been better. Could of been worse.
I might do a review too tomorrow, also, Song Survivor will be updated, so go ahead and vote if you haven't already. You have around 12 hours.
I think My Bodom is quite awful. I got my in depth review ready.

when I first heard blooddrunk I hated it, thought it was terrible.

after a while I realized tie my rope and banned from heaven were masterpieces.

there are no masterpieces on this album but the more I listen to it the more I like it. Hated my bodom at first but now I've been listening to it all day.

it's def a rushed song and def could have been better but the chorus truly is great. oh well.
when I first heard blooddrunk I hated it, thought it was terrible.

after a while I realized tie my rope and banned from heaven were masterpieces.

there are no masterpieces on this album but the more I listen to it the more I like it. Hated my bodom at first but now I've been listening to it all day.

it's def a rushed song and def could have been better but the chorus truly is great. oh well.

I can see that. It actually does have a progressive element as it gets more intricate as it goes. But still, the verses are prwtty boring to me. The chorus is one of the best on the album. But I think it of been better served to scrap the song and put its best parts into another one lol. Take that entire last half from the breakdown to the melodic section and add it I Hurt. That'd of been sick
This makes me even less interested in seeing them live...
The setlist needs to be refreshed. And it is not like they lack good live songs...
Exactly as I predicted... sigh, gonna have to miss them for the third time straight when they come in my town. I understand first timers wanna hear the traditional stuff, but... adding something like Knuckleduster, Taste of My Scythe or whatever would surely do wonders.