"I Worship Chaos" Discussion Thread

Starting to really like this album, was listening to Halo of Blood earlier and it is nice they tried something new. If IWC was replaced with another great track in the middle and they hammered Widdershins' chorus a couple of more times It would be great.
And damn that setlist is boring, hopefully on their U.S. tour next year they mix it up, they have been saying they would in interviews... Maybe its because of the 2nd guitarist situation they don't want to change too much right now
I Hurt: Good
My Bodom: ofcourse, they had to make the first CRAPPY bodom song
Morrigan: Great
Horns: meh
Prayer: okay
I Worship Chaos: is this even a song?
Hold Your Tongue: bad
Suicide Bomber: good
All For Nothing: could have been better
Widdershins: Great
Mistress: meh
Danger Zone: As a massive Top Gun fan and having that original song in my car I must say they fucked this one up...hard
Black Winter Day: meh

overall im unimpressed, and dissapointed by how this album is FAR below the Halo of Blood standards...
I guess its marketing..1 good album to get attention again followed by IWC where they just come with crap again.

and to me, fucking up the bodom song is a big nono. thye already took a risk by doing Bodom Blue Moon in drop C(although it turned out great)
still, to me the Bodom song should always be in D-tuning and a typical CoB song in trend of the good years, by doing one Bodom song that way every album they can ensure to also keep the older fans happy and it keeps their identy/roots of the band alive.
an identy which Alexi is losing/lost already.

As per usual I need to get used to a new Bodom album over time, and I end up loving it. This time im finding the album a bit confusing and cant see head nor tails in the songs. Lets see what happens after some more hearing.
LB - C#
CoB - D
BoB - Drop C
LoBodomy - Drop C
BBM - Drop C
MB - Drop D

Fairly sure that's correct.

My Bodom is drop B, right?

Many people have confused referring to drop C as "drop D." Drop C is just standard D with the lowest string tuned full step lower.

Or am I getting something wrong? Wouldn't "drop D" tuning be like standard E with lowest string tuned full step lower? Like I guess when Metallica was playing in E but wanted to sound heavier so they tuned the lowest string a full step lower, thus drop D, I don't know but I guess this is what happened to some bands...
My Bodom is drop B, right?

Many people have confused referring to drop C as "drop D." Drop C is just standard D with the lowest string tuned full step lower.

What the hell?! You comment on the forum page says "Drop C is just DROP D with the lowest...", but when I quote it to fix your typo, it says "Drop C is just STANDARD D with the lowest..."?! :D

Okay, now it has updated itself to the forum page too.
What the hell?! You comment on the forum page says "Drop C is just DROP D with the lowest...", but when I quote it to fix your typo, it says "Drop C is just STANDARD D with the lowest..."?! :D

Okay, now it has updated itself to the forum page too.

He probably noticed his mistake and fixed it at the same time you were reading his post.
Drop X = X + 1 step tuning + the lowest string tuned into X. Effectively songs in Drop C tuning are usually just songs in C, why would you need the lower C if not for tonic.
Drop X = X + 1 step tuning + the lowest string tuned into X. Effectively songs in Drop C tuning are usually just songs in C, why would you need the lower C if not for tonic.

Exacly. People usually use drop C for songs that are in C minor. Lower C-note on 6th string will allow to play ''Low'' C -chord. Though not all C-minor songs are played in drop C. Ensiferum -Treacherous gods for example is in C minor but played still in E standard tuning. Some people seem to think that tuning itself makes someone to play in particular key, but it doesn't work like that. Tuning has nothing to do with key that you play in. I just gives you more or less notes to play around depending on key and tuning used. Tuning itself doesn't make song to sound bad or good.
isnt lake bodom and the original children of bodom single in c# though...

you are right!

LB - C#
CoB - D
BoB - Drop C
LoBodomy - Drop C
BBM - Drop C
MB - Drop D

Fairly sure that's correct.

Although C# works fine for me aswell

its notable how most memorable Bodom songs are in C# or D
also, those tunings gave them a less bass-heavy style that they have now.
I Think of CoB as a fast dark mysterical...and god forgive me..atmospherical band with good jingles.
Whilst they used to make the darkness of their songs with those factors now to make it dark by going down a tuning... Alexi no longer the punk but rather the new randy blyte
My Bodom is drop B, right?

Many people have confused referring to drop C as "drop D." Drop C is just standard D with the lowest string tuned full step lower.

Or am I getting something wrong? Wouldn't "drop D" tuning be like standard E with lowest string tuned full step lower? Like I guess when Metallica was playing in E but wanted to sound heavier so they tuned the lowest string a full step lower, thus drop D, I don't know but I guess this is what happened to some bands...

No I'm pretty sure you're right. D standard and Drop C are identical except for the 6th string (the one closest to you when your holding the guitar.) And therefore I'm pretty sure that IWC is in C standard and Drop B for its songs, Alexi said 2 of the songs were in standard one being suicide bomber.
My Bodom is drop B, right?

Many people have confused referring to drop C as "drop D." Drop C is just standard D with the lowest string tuned full step lower.

Or am I getting something wrong? Wouldn't "drop D" tuning be like standard E with lowest string tuned full step lower? Like I guess when Metallica was playing in E but wanted to sound heavier so they tuned the lowest string a full step lower, thus drop D, I don't know but I guess this is what happened to some bands...

Oops yeah you're right. I'm not sure how I made that mistake.
Hold your tongue and suicide bomber are the standard songs but it not c standard but c# standard just like something wild the the rest are drop b which is c# standard with the heavy e dropped to b
Exactly, there is no semitone between B & C. Therefore, it is C# standart tuning with the low C# lowered by two semitones which is: C# -> C -> B. That is dropped B
Just did my first listen.

I Hurt - 5/10
My Bodom 6/10
Morrigan 6.5/10
Horns 5/10
Prayer for the Afflicted 7/10
I Worship Chaos 3/10
Hold Your Tongue 5.5/10
Suicide Bomber 6.5/10
All for Nothing 8.5/10
Widdershins 5/10

I guess the album might grow on me a bit but not by much, so far I'm disappointed (which I was prepared for). The album is too ''americanized'' and it's hard to imagine it's the same band that made the masterpiece Hatebreeder 16 years ago. The album has some interesting parts but as others have said it has too much fillermaterial. The guitartone is bad and the album has too much chugga-chuggariffs, the drumming is the weakest part with too many packa-packa-moments that they seem to be stuck with, the vocals are okey, Janne is great as always but there is too little of it. Both Janne and Alexi have some good solos.

The weakest songs on the album for me is I Worship Chaos, Widdershins, I Hurt. Widdershins has the worst ending of a song and thus the worst ending of a CoB album.

The strongest songs, which aren't that strong except for one is All for Nothing, Morrigan and Prayer for the Afflicted. The best moment of the album is the ending solos of All for Nothing, the song is new and interesting with the piano and the slow tempo creates a horror-feel to it.
So after almost a week of hearing it, and different moods while hearing I've got a result:

I Hurt: 4/10 , I'd give it 10/10 if it had a solo. BECAUSE it has no solo the song is totally crapto me, it's like totally unfinished, like a homework you did 5 minutes before deadline. Floyd Bombs, then chugga chugga, Alexi you Son of a b*tch.
My Bodom: 10/10 , the best track on this record, it has almost everything, and IMO the only song where those chugga chugga thing is done the right way and not totally out of place. The best chorus I've heard in years.
Morrigan: 8/10 , nice song, I like it, it's good but nothing special.
Horns: 9/10 , really nice song with the perfect tempo and ATMOSPHERE, the darkest and heaviest one on the record.
Prayer For The Afflicted: 7/10 , a slow song with nice melodies, no masterpiece but also not bad, also nothing special.
I Worship Chaos: 1/10 , the FUCKIN' WORST SONG I'VE EVER HEARD(from COB)! ALEXI YOU FUCKING RANDY BLYTHE COCKSUCKER. I can say I'm able to write a better Bodom song than this fucking piece of worthless dogshit.
Hold Your Tongue: 3/10 , well, the song isn't bad in general, just boring to me. I could fall asleep while listening to this track.
Suicide Bomber: 7/10 , well, I don't know I love it and I hate at the same time. It's a nice song but, very hard to explain......
All For Nothing: 8/10 , really well done track. I like those whispering vocals and shit. That gave me the feels, always haha.
Widdershins: 7/10 , I'd rate it ten from ten if it had a better written solo and not this totally out of the fucking place chugga shit at the end. I mean, what the fuck? Why chugga? Alexi you dumbass, you're fucking able to write absolute masterpieces......

Covers: ~/~ , nice to have, nothing special.

Conclusion: I wouldn't miss the title track any blink of a moment if it would'nt be on the record, really I hate this track, I've never hated a track like this. If I would rate the badest song of all times and genres, this one,
this fucking piece of trash would have a big chance to win the trophy. I Hurt is the one that really hurts me, it is a track with potential, after the Floyd shit you're anticipating an awesome solo and then you get the dick
of reality beaten in your fucking ugly face. The album is a shitload of potential but not much of it was used.......