"I Worship Chaos" Discussion Thread

Good cover, but still bad song. It's like Alexi wrote half a song till he realized it's not very good and then scrapped it, but somehow it ended up on the album.

Surely there are songs which are played from open B string.

If I remember correct, My Bodom, Horns, Suicide Bomber.
OK, I see what you mean. I mean I never thought it was directed at me personally, it's just you guys are talking negative about the songs and what not and throw in the America thing. Like all American music sucks and the people here who write it or listen to it are stupid. Can you at least see why I took a little offense to it? Maybe I just read into it too much?

I will agree though.....A LOT of music in America SUUUUUCCKKKKKKSSSSS!! But in reality a lot of music in general sucks, no matter the country of origin. Not much new music makes my dick hard these days. I still mainly listen to all the music I grew up listening too. They just don't make music like they used to.

If you ask any guy about what he would connect with skandinavian metal, he would probably tell you something about death metal and grim guys eating young children.
German metal stands for Rammstein or 90s glam/trash/speed metal like Sodom, Blind Guardian, Kreator, Gamma Ray and so on..
If you would ask me about metal and Japan, I would say something with female looking guys.
And everyone connects american metal with metal core or nu-metal or whatever. So even metal + rap + downtuned guitars + clean vocals like LP or Limp Bizkit or some gay metal core bands like Attack Attack! Or Metallica.
And atm there is a thin line between gay looking american rap-metal guys and Alexi, his clothes and the song IWC
You forgot the Florida death metal scene, just as valuable as the Swedish one.
If you ask any guy about what he would connect with skandinavian metal, he would probably tell you something about death metal and grim guys eating young children.
German metal stands for Rammstein or 90s glam/trash/speed metal like Sodom, Blind Guardian, Kreator, Gamma Ray and so on..
If you would ask me about metal and Japan, I would say something with female looking guys.
And everyone connects american metal with metal core or nu-metal or whatever. So even metal + rap + downtuned guitars + clean vocals like LP or Limp Bizkit or some gay metal core bands like Attack Attack! Or Metallica.
And atm there is a thin line between gay looking american rap-metal guys and Alexi, his clothes and the song IWC

Are you then something like Goth Black Metal looking guy? That's even more ridiculous than anything else :D And do you judge metal bands for they looks?
Bodom with corpsepaint would be brutal I assume?

EDIT: At least you stayed on topic :D I don't understand posting other bands music videos here and praise them.
What are you trying to deny, that Alexi is influenced by the skate culture? That's quite obvious and the music reflects it too. Of course you don't judge someone completely by how the look but you can draw some conclusions and most of the time they're correct.
Are you then something like Goth Black Metal looking guy? That's even more ridiculous than anything else :D And do you judge metal bands for they looks?

Why me? Do I look so?

No, but the mentioned things are the first things which came in my mind when somebody would ask me this. And many people would answer the same. 50% of it is just a prejudice but the other 50% are somehow true.
The funny thing is, if you look at youtube comments, most of the people love the song.

Seems like us old fans can suck it and core kids will start coming to their concerts.

At least HOB was an honest album, this one was written with a really bad purpose. No wonder Roope left.
Here's my 2cents: I worship chaos sounds alot like Norther. I kinda dig it, tbh.

I don't get this. You're the second guy here to say it sounds like Norther and to me this is nothing like Norther. Okay, perhaps some songs like Fuck You have some similarities but that song is good because of the hilarious lyrics, not the music. What I see as Norther's style of music is songs like Mirror of Madness.
The true symbolic meaning of Morrigan is likely the sex addiction of a desperate man, how every Saturday night he wonders downtown to the night where people worship these evil women like goddesses, yet all they do to him is deny him paradise and give cold shoulder and poisonous words that gnaw an endless pit inside his passionate heart and make his mind scorched with fiery anger, still he's doomed to 'worship' these dark deities over a distance, never laying his hands on their beauty, but having to suck that bitter venom in time after time, until depression gets hold of him and he becomes a being of hatred.

This phenomena is getting common now because online dating has given everything to women. There no longer exists a lonely woman, they're all worshiped by men, and only the chosen few lucky ones can access their rosy paradise. 80% of single men are deemed ugly by women. Women are born to be worshiped due to their pussy and sexual power, while a man can be a hero but never taste the divine honey because his aesthetic birth genes may not be among the most handsome. Men give up their power to women by adoring them, and women suck it like vampires, pleasing their egos. It's one of the most vile and sinister elements of today's society, as dangerous and brutal to the male's sanity as it may be. Most single women these days are self-righteous witches and deserve to be eaten by a massive snake.
I don't get this. You're the second guy here to say it sounds like Norther and to me this is nothing like Norther.

People hear music in the most curious ways, depending mainly on their musical experience and musicality itself (i.e. do they have absolute/relative pitch, sense of rhythm, etc). Basic music knowledge matters too - not the knowledge per se even, but the awareness of its elements, like some people can't tell minor from major or don't hear the tonic and dissonances. Also since the white/gold dress bullshit I cannot be surprised anymore.
Actually half of the Youtube comments are bad too, its not just here. Core kids love it, old fans mostly and others say fuck this shit. Morrigian is still a okay song, so hopefully there is something great on the album, bit still huge letdown. And no this is nothing lile Norther except a couple of songs from their two last records which in turn was pretty poor too... Norther really went downhill and they knew it so they disbanded. Almost like I wish Bodom did too after hearing this fucking poor excuse of a song. If this album is just like this song, with exception of Morrigan and the next one is just as bad, I call it a quit. The guys aren't exactly young anymore and this kind of music isn't something you do into your 50's usually, well you got cannibal corpse and a few others, but point is, if they ever want to do a classic Bodom album they don't got many chances left.....
I worship chaos reminds me a bit on St.Anger (album), Slayer, Pantera and a slow downed version of Necrophagist. But it sounds nothing like Norther. Some people must be deaf...^^
Somebody noticed that really bad played squirrel at 0:45?
Whatever, I've found something that I like: The drums. Good mixing on it and a really nice snare!
I think the slowed Necrophagist version beats Norther ez :lol: That sounds nothing like Necrophagist :lol: