"I Worship Chaos" Discussion Thread

You should check out the new Cradle of Filth album. Loose concept album based on the persecution of witches and witchcraft. Cool atmosphere too

You should visit here more often. Joonas is a fan of CoF (At least that's the impression I've got) and thus has probably listened to said album more than a few times.
I love how you all keep saying Americanized......that's bullshit....I'm from America and do not approve of these songs at all. They just aren't CoB. Real CoB is better than that.

Personally, I don't think Alexi can write stuff like he used to, the newer stuff is just easier for him to write and to play live. Hard to fuck up a solo every show if you write an easy one to start with.

Very curious to hear the rest of the album since he is the sole guitar writer for this album. I often times wonder how much influence Roope & Alexander actually had on the guitar writing duties. I don't care what Alexi & company says in interviews about it. I'm willing to bet Roope & Alexander had a bigger role than they were given credit for.

Isn't Rune from the US too? he called it Americanized. Anyway, perhaps its just that they sound more like what American bands do than their former self. Not that you as an American would like it.
You people are just in denial. Soon enough you all will love it and go bonkers when they play it live. Don't fight the feeling!
I thought when Alexi said in a recent interview that the songs were simpler he meant the riffs would be less technical so melodies would fit better over them like they used to do- not making everything simple and no melodies/solo's :(

Still I really like Morrigan- it seemed to combine melody/simplicity well and sounded different- so I don't think everyone should get so upset about this track being so terrible. WIWI was a simplistic shit fest & they released that before the album (which still had a few decent songs).

I'm hoping its just a promotional thing to get more american's who like simple riffs/arrangements to buy the album and go see their shows. If so it's a bit stupid by marketing as the band is pretty much know for their solo duels and melodies even by people who aren't really fans durp.
You people are just in denial. Soon enough you all will love it and go bonkers when they play it live. Don't fight the feeling!

yes, and how can you guys say that "Hey Laiho, look, the fans hate IWC" only based on this forum's feedback? Have you checked comments on YouTube :D
At least someone else digs the song.

En tiiä millasia kikkelihevimiehiä täällä on kun ei mikään kelpaa :D
I'm hoping its just a promotional thing to get more american's who like simple riffs/arrangements to buy the album and go see their shows. If so it's a bit stupid by marketing as the band is pretty much know for their solo duels and melodies even by people who aren't really fans durp.

Here we go again with the American thing.

I'm American and don't like simple riffs or arrangements at all.

Where did this thought of Americans liking simple music come from? There are a lot of Americans who don't play/write simple music.

Vai, Satch, Van Halen, SRV, Randy Rhodes, Darrell Abbott, Frank Zappa....I can keep going if you want.

I'm just confused when I read these Americanized statements and wonder where they are coming from? Not all music in America is chuggy chuggy bullshit.

On topic.....I'm willing to bet this will be CoB's worst album to date. These 2 songs are both just weak. They just pale in comparison to anything CoB has done in the past. Maybe I'll be surprised when I hear the new album....most likely NOT.
Yeah the entire call of "the fans hate it!" is not called for. This forum may be the official forum but we are easily the roughly 0.5% of CoB fans. Just cause the majority doesn't like the title track doesn't mean it won't be a hit.

There's at most 30 active members here I'd say. Probably closer to 15 but I'll do the counting with 30. Cob has nearly three million likes on their Facebook page (Closer to 3 than 2 anyway). Thus, we are around 0,001% of their fans (Or 0,0005% if I do the math with 15 active members).
So GuyOne you want Bodom to be newmetalish, metalcorish or grungemetal? The whole point that made Bodom famous was the leadguitar work of Alexi. So if you take that away, you simply have an ordinary thrash/core band with black metal vocals. And with psycadelic keyboard work on top. A lot of people might like it, but it is a huge letdown and a nail in the coffin for old fans. Its like when Metallica released Load....a rock album from a thrash metal giant...many many of the old fans said fuck that and never bought an album again from them and many of them dont see them in concert anymore either. Its an alienation of what the band should be about. You can't change the style so drastically just for mainstreem, no good things has come of that ever, for any band!
Here we go again with the American thing.

I'm American and don't like simple riffs or arrangements at all.

Where did this thought of Americans liking simple music come from? There are a lot of Americans who don't play/write simple music.

I know that- what most of us are saying is that not all but a lot of newer mainstream american metal bands from the past 10 or so years tend to write simpler and more predictable song structures that sell well in the US as it's easy to get into.

That allows them to headline tours- so a lot of bands from other countries start out as opening acts, want to be more popular over there, and so they change their sound ("American-ising" it for lack of a better word) to fit in better & hopefully gain new fans with the bands they're opening for; often losing most of their original style.

No one's having a go at you specifically sir as you clearly like decent music & there are a bunch of people in America that do- I just find it happens to a few metal bands that drastically change their sound when they tour in the US & then go to record a new album.
I know that- what most of us are saying is that not all but a lot of newer mainstream american metal bands from the past 10 or so years tend to write simpler and more predictable song structures that sell well in the US as it's easy to get into.

That allows them to headline tours- so a lot of bands from other countries start out as opening acts, want to be more popular over there, and so they change their sound ("American-ising" it for lack of a better word) to fit in better & hopefully gain new fans with the bands they're opening for; often losing most of their original style.

No one's having a go at you specifically sir as you clearly like decent music & there are a bunch of people in America that do- I just find it happens to a few metal bands that drastically change their sound when they tour in the US & then go to record a new album.

As mrKBR64 said, nowadays in the US the so called "metal" are the "core" music, when pumped kids with lot of tattoos with ?ear-strecher?, basball cap, sorry "full cap", maybe trendy beard screaming to down tuned guitar noises and suddenly clean vocals... if I would ask a guy in the US, what's metal music, he would probably firstly says a metalcore band and in the second place he possibly mentions Metallica and that's the problem. Our twilight will soon come if it will continue...
Honestly I'm not minding it too much. I think I will enjoy it more within the context of the album especially if this track is placed between some slower paced songs. Also really pleased with Alexi's lyrics. Definitely better than usual.
I know that- what most of us are saying is that not all but a lot of newer mainstream american metal bands from the past 10 or so years tend to write simpler and more predictable song structures that sell well in the US as it's easy to get into.

That allows them to headline tours- so a lot of bands from other countries start out as opening acts, want to be more popular over there, and so they change their sound ("American-ising" it for lack of a better word) to fit in better & hopefully gain new fans with the bands they're opening for; often losing most of their original style.

No one's having a go at you specifically sir as you clearly like decent music & there are a bunch of people in America that do- I just find it happens to a few metal bands that drastically change their sound when they tour in the US & then go to record a new album.

OK, I see what you mean. I mean I never thought it was directed at me personally, it's just you guys are talking negative about the songs and what not and throw in the America thing. Like all American music sucks and the people here who write it or listen to it are stupid. Can you at least see why I took a little offense to it? Maybe I just read into it too much?

I will agree though.....A LOT of music in America SUUUUUCCKKKKKKSSSSS!! But in reality a lot of music in general sucks, no matter the country of origin. Not much new music makes my dick hard these days. I still mainly listen to all the music I grew up listening too. They just don't make music like they used to.
It's only one song without a guitar solo for crying out loud, it's not the end of COB as you know it. What do people here expect anyway? For Alexi to compose the same song 90+ times...but differently?

This business of foreign bands dumbing down their music to appeal to American crowds so they open for American bands makes no sense whatsoever. Where's the evidence for this happening? Or for that matter that Americans like simple music? Deathcore is sort of simple but it can get very technical, too. Metalcore isn't particularly simple in my view. Progressive metal has a good audience in America and it's nowhere near simple. There is no typical American crowd the way I see it. And if bands think they have to change to become more popular (and this isn't anything American per se), well, that's their business and they'll have to deal with the consequences.
It's only one song without a guitar solo for crying out loud, it's not the end of COB as you know it. What do people here expect anyway? For Alexi to compose the same song 90+ times...but differently?
